Having Internet problems for the last couple of days. Has been a chore to get things posted which makes it an annoyance. Hopefully next week goes smoother.
My Favorite WordsScrotum
Pedophile (don't ask)
My Least Favorite WordsMilky

I have an employer where that poster would look great. Too bad any form of individuality became grounds for termination.

You didn't see the huge "DO NOT USE IN WATER" warning
before you bought the beached whale?

Not even his real friends on MySpace came to help him. Hopefully the few people I ask to help me move will do it. If not it's going to be one horrible weekend.

I don't mind product placement but sometimes it does get out of hand. Especially when the whole TV episode is brought to you by the new Toyota Yaris--I'm looking in your direction CW Network.
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