Monday, October 14, 2024

Harry Anderson's Sideshow

Harry Anderson would've been 72 years old this year. As I've done most years past, I'm using his birthday to celebrate some of the things in his life that isn't Night Court or Dave's World, his two sitcoms that helped make him a star.

After he died, I was reading a long obituary for him where they revealed that Anderson didn't necessarily like being a sitcom star. He was seeing other magicians getting TV specials and being awarded stardom just by being funny magicians--the main ones being the great Penn & Teller. Night Court allowed Anderson so showcase his comedy along with his magic but Dave's World, a family sitcom loosely based on the life of humorous newspaper columnist Dave Barry, did not. Anderson wanted to show off his magic, which is why he got into showbiz in the first place.

Shortly after Dave's World ended, Anderson and his new wife moved to New Orleans where he opened a magic shop and then a theater. The venture would be short-lived as Hurricane Katrina devastated the city and they moved to Asheville, North Carolina in 2006.

In 1987, around the height of Night Court's popularity, NBC gave Harry Anderson a special called Harry Anderson's Sideshow where Anderson could showcase his magic, comedy, and other strange attractions. The special premiered October 30, 1987 and pre-empted the series Private Eye which would be canceled in January after 13 episodes. I was unable to find ratings information for Sideshow but I would place it's viewership slightly above Private Eye but far below Night Court (at this point, in the top ten of TV shows).

The show opens with Anderson singing a song written by the famed Sherman brothers, "Canvas, Sawdust, and Dreams". The show immediately starts off by cutting Diedre Hall's head off in a guillotine. I hate when that happens.

The next show is the Amazing Acrobats of China. They can throw large vases and tables around with their feet. Anderson interviews Tommy Trio, a man with three legs portrayed by John Astin. Tommy absolutely does not want to talk about his three legs. Next is Charley Charles who does some stunts on a bicycle. He even rides a tiny bicycle, but his pants don't get caught in the chain and get pulled off.
Don't have to burn that seat.

Peter Scolari dances as diminutive Duke. It's kind of weird, maybe a little offensive, but Peter Scolari seems like he's having a good time. Anderson has turned Diedre Hall into Jan In the Pan while he works to reattach her head to her body. There's another performance from an Amazing Acrobat of China (this guy balances glass on his face and then climbs a ladder!) and then Marsha Warfield (Anderson's Night Court costar) comes out as Dynamo the Human Bomb. I love the banter between them "Harry, when you called and asked me to do this and I expressed very little interest, you said I could do what I want." She relents and does the trick when Harry hints he could get her kicked off of Night Court. Harry then blows up the box Warfield got in, but not until after she sneaks out while Harry has his back turned. I think it would've funny if Anderson, realizing he just killed his costar, would've said "We're gonna need a fourth bailiff" as kind of a joke to Selma Diamond and Florence Halop both passing away on Night Court before hiring Warfield. Maybe that would've been too mean or something.

Emma Samms plays Cloris, a beautiful girl flower. It's weird. But then we move to the death-defying feats of Pan-Tar and Maureen. He shoots arrows. He only does a couple tricks but they are pretty impressive. As the show concludes, Anderson thanks his guests and Diedre Hall has decided to embrace being a disembodied head and is thrilled to announce that she is joining the sideshow circuit with pitchman Tommy Trio!

At the end, we watch the acts clean up while we get a reprise of "Canvas, Sawdust, and Dreams" sung by Mel Torme. Credits roll (I'm assuming Anderson's daughter, Eva, playing the girl at the beginning of the special) and we end on Hick (voiced by Jay Johnson of Soap fame who also executive produced this special) making a joke about the special being too short for having paid 8 bits.

The end.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lazy Saturday Quickie

It's probably fine and can last another week. Everybody stop working. It's Saturday!

Friday, August 23, 2024


"Let's drink it all before Wilberforce gets home from school!"

I would drink tea and lemonade everyday if I could. I don't drink enough lemonade, honestly. I should get some lemonade after work tomorrow. We have a food truck that sells lemonade and kettle corn. Park it next to the food truck that sells barbecue and the food truck that sells mini donuts and I'd have everything I need.

"Does your dad need to go to the hospital?"

We're just gonna jump into Wilberforce being back in school? And he has an assignment already? And an involved one where he basically has write down everything his parents say? It's not even a "What I did over summer" report.

When I did this kind of report, I did it in comic strip form.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lividea's Been In Mourning

It has been roughly a year since we last saw Lividea. I sometimes forgets she exists. I'm kidding. I am well aware of the characters in this comic strip.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

He Could At Least Dry Off

"You're soaking wet!"

Yeah, he just came out of the bathroom so one could reason that Wilberforce just took a shower. Don't you want your child clean?

Monday, August 19, 2024

More Like a Family Shrub

Brutus isn't going to find anything good in his family tree. There's no blue blood in the Thornapple lineage. I mean, there is still a lot of inbreeding, but it's not because they were royalty trying to consolidate power.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Uncle Ted's Balls

June 29, 1986
I was going to comment that 70¢ seems like a lot, but it's only 23¢ per minute which seems like a steal. Pay phones rose to a quarter starting in 1984 so 23¢ is a discount. Or this payphone in 1986 was still a dime and Brutus just got royally screwed. Well, joke's on the payphone. The Born Loser is still around while payphone after payphone are removed and tossed in the garbage.

How does this cut costs? It should be "the one who loses the least buys the root beer" because the one that loses the least number of golf balls has lost the least amount of money. The way Uncle Ted phrases it, the person who loses the most balls has to pay to replace his balls (heh-heh-heh!) and pay for the root beer.

They should just steal golf balls from Mr. Anderson.

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Surprise Party

Classic Born Loser daily strips will return in September. There will still be Sunday ones continuing. I just need to download the strips for January and February of 1966. In the meantime, I'm going to try to do some new things. I have a couple new stories, a new Captain Kid, a few other Golden Age-era comics, and maybe some history to post. Today, is Trader Tom who is a really good salesman and doesn't enforce a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy.

I am insulted by the stereotypical caricature, but I am impressed that he's not speaking in a racist dialect.

Does...Does Brutus not know how old his favorite uncle, who he spends a very disproportionate amount of time with, is?

They probably threw this party because they were all worried either they or Uncle Ted would be dead by 2026. Not because of old age but because...*gestures around*

Friday, August 16, 2024

Bubbly Guts

December 31, 1965
What is going on here? Is he drunk and hitting on everyone...even his wife? Is he going to club his wife with that umbrella? Tarzan never clubbed anyone.

My choice for winner of this costume party is the person dressed as a damn tree.

I have stomach issues, too. Is it because I'm getting old? I'd be fine with that if there was some rhyme or reason to it. I can't eat anything.

Maybe I should try more probiotics. Or just do what I want and die on the toilet.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Is Veeblefester Playing Angry Birds?

December 30, 1965
Pedestrians technically have the right-of-way, too, but drivers still mow them down. And despite the "hawnnnnk"ing, I don't think the people on that ship can see Claudia and her husband.

"Smart alecks" is an odd insult.

Yeah, these smartphones(?) are a great invention. I don't know how we'd survive 2009 without them.

Are we sure that's a smartphone(?) (are we sure that's what they're called?) and not Veeblefester holding a Switch wrong? Maybe a turtle comm.