Saturday, November 30, 2024

Leaf-ing November

Brutus and Wilberforce are outside with rakes and leaves everywhere! "Mr. O'Hara doesn't make Hattie rake the leaves!" Wilberforce says. "Is that right? Well, does Mr. O'Hara pay your allowance every week?" Brutus angrily asks. "Neither do you," Wilberforce angrily retorts as Brutus cowers in embarassment.
That seems like a massive amount of leaves on the ground. I would just leave them there. Why is Brutus getting so upset? "Oh, Mr. O'Hara doesn't give Hattie chores, huh? Well, we'll see how many chores she does after I burn their goddamn house down! Working makes you a man! Working puts hair on your chest! Working builds character! Working is the only reason to be alive!"

And Hattie may not rake her own leaves, but she will rake the leaves of others. For $10.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Black Fun-Day

Gladys stands in front of Brutus, who is sitting in a green chair, with her purse and wearing a beret. "Once more I go into the fray: Overflowing parking lots, lines to enter stores, altercations over low inventory items, long waits to checkout! Black Friday isn't for the weak." "Why don't you just shop online?" Brutus asks. "And miss out on the fun?"
Gladys enjoys elbowing people with impunity and raining blows onto old women who think they are entitled to that last set of matching pajamas. Gladys does strike me as someone who enjoys violence.

I'm going to get my Black Friday done in one trip. I'm not going home and then going back "into the fray". If I go home, I'm staying there.

Thursday, November 28, 2024


Brutus is standing with Mother Gargle, sitting in a green chair, and Gladys. "You really outdid yourself with dinner today, Gladys!" Brutus says. "Your food really hit the spot!" Mother Gargle points to Brutus' slightly chubby stomach with a sneer "How could it miss?"
I'm glad the dryer didn't ruin the turkey. Although I guess we don't know how the dryer came out.

I am just going to assume that Wilberforce has eaten and is just curled up on the couch relaxing while the adults just stand around for some reason. Pull up a chair! Sit down! I swear, this house does not have enough places to sit!

H a p p y    T h a n k s g i v i n g

A Superkatt Thanksgiving

Giggle Comics began with a cover date of August 1943 and was published by American Comics Group. The series would last 99 issues, ending in February 1955 and being renamed Spencer Spook (kind of a Casper/Spooky hodgepodge character) starting with issue 100. That series would continue for 2 issues, ending with issue 101.

One of the features in Giggle was Superkatt. Superkatt, from what I can tell, began in Giggle Comics #9 and continued to appear until issue 77 in 1951. I don't quite get Superkatt's deal except he wears a baby bonnet, a giant bow, and a diaper. I guess he isn't litter box trained. Anyway, this Thanksgiving Superkatt story was published in Giggle #36, December 1946. Just skimming through some issues, if you like racist caricatures, then this is your series. This story was written, drawn, and lettered by Dan Gordon.

I love when copycat characters are a clear mix of other, more popular characters. I feel Superkatt here is a mix of Sylvester, Katnip (of Herman & Katnip), maybe Sourpuss, and...Baby Huey...? It doesn't explain his name. Maybe it's because he can talk.

I feel the real cause of this is asking the cat to carry the dishes. I don't care if the cat can talk and walk on his hind legs.

Also, didn't that boy on the stairs in the first panel above throw a brick at Superkatt?

That...sheep? right. I can't wait until animals are fat enough to eat. I do love eating meat. There's a 75% chance I am eating meat as I'm typing this.

I will be honest. I kind of like these characters. We should bring back Superkatt and Humphrey. It's my idea so you have to give me money though.


I'm glad that Superkatt is so passionate about protecting his friends but I would not be intimidated by him at all. "What a cute bonnet," is what I'd say as I gently carry the cat back outside, away from all the exposed meat in my butchershop.

Meat a dog loves to eat? You mean shredded newspaper and chicken byproduct?

The plight of turkeys during Thanksgiving is exactly the same as slaves in the United States. Exactly the same. Don't question it. Exactly the same.

Yeah, Superkatt definitely looks like someone I'd want to help me with something. I don't know what instills more trust--the bonnet, bow, or diaper.

Exactly the same.

This man is just trying to make a living. Leave him alone.

This is how annoying most vegetarian and vegan people are online.

Poor man is just trying to make a living...

Slaves and Thanksgiving turkeys: Exactly the same.

There wasn't a sink or something you could've drowned him in? Just going to kick him out so he can continue to terrorize the neighborhood?

Wait a minute. Turkeys can't fly. Even if these are wild turkeys, they can only fly for short distances. There's an entire episode of WKRP In Cincinnati about it.

He should brush up on his landings. Cats should land on their feet. Maybe the diaper got in the way or something.

You set the turkeys free! You're the reason you're going to get a beating.

Although, again, leaving something important as bringing home a turkey for Thanksgiving up to a cat seems like a bad idea.

Yet Superkatt doesn't seem to care that the lamb that leg used to belong to went through the same thing. I guess if you can't converse with the animal, it doesn't matter.

Petunia looks way too happy to be slaughtering a turkey.

Just gonna leave that leg of lamb on the ground?

That's some good egg placement, I tell you hwhat.

Somehow I feel this name is much more racist than just calling her Mammie Jefferson or something. 

Dan Gordon really knew what he was doing with that egg placement.

Like many of these subpar Golden Age comic book stories, I feel this story should be over by now. At least it's not Funnyman.

So now we're going to eat a leg of lamb that's been coated in dirty turkey feathers?

What time is it? Petunia has to kill, pluck, and still cook the turkey and it seems like hours have gone by since this story started.

I hate to say it but that's a decent likeness.

"Yeah, yeah. Indigestion. He won't be thinking of that when he's missing his head."

I love the fake head flying off.

BWAA! Where'd that sheep come from?!

This panel is perfect. No notes.

The black sheep's name is Midnight?

The sheep were going to beat up Superkatt? Superkatt? Who's dressed like that so there's clearly something developmentally wrong with him?

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to, Midnight.

Well, this did not end the way I thought it would. If you were hoping to see Humphrey and Superkatt sitting at the table with Petunia eating their leg of lamb turkey or even Petunia beating the crap out of Superkatt because lamb and turkey do not taste the same, then I am sorry to disappoint you.

In Superkatt's defense, that lamb was already dead so...

What happened to that kid at the beginning of the story?

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Thanksgiving Chef

Brutus, apparently coming home from work, pokes his head through the kitchen door to see Gladys stirring something in a big bowl and wearing an apron and chef's hat. A "Thumpa thumpa" echoes through each panel. "You've already started on tomorrow's feast, I see. What's that noise?" asks Brutus. "I forgot to start thawing the turkey earlier..." Gladys begins, "Then I thought of the perfect solution. I put the bird in the clothes dryer!"
Sit it in a sink of hot water? Can it fit in the microwave? Put the oven on warm and leave it for couple hours? Eh, what do I know? I'm not a chef. I don't have a chef's hat like Gladys does. Clearly she's much better at this than I am.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

And That's After Taxes

Veeblefester stands at Brutus' desk holding out a piece of paper. "Here's your bonus for the overtime work you did on the Kluck account." "This check is for eleven cents," Brutus says. "And you've earned every penny of it."
So I guess Veeblefester doesn't pay time and a half for overtime. Maybe Brutus should go back over his overtime agreement. Let's be honest, he probably forgot to record it.

I like how the computer monitor is from 2017, but the computer keyboard is from 1988.

Monday, November 25, 2024

I Think I Also Ran Over a Kid

Brutus, in a coat and carrying an umbrella, arrives at work. Veeblefester is standing there, angry because the CEO of the company has nothing better to do. "You're late!" Veeblefester fumes. "I'm sorry, Chief! I missed the bus so I had to drive my car to work. Would it make you feel any better to know that I got a speeding ticket trying to get here on time?" Brutus asks. "Well, yes it does make me feel better! Thank you for letting me know of your misfortune."
I always feel that you are going to be late, have a good story. Even if you make it up. I understand that your employees have to be at work at a certain time, but at the same time I'm like, things happen. Just let me know you're going to be late and don't let it become a habit. If your schedule is a problem then we need to talk about it. It's an attitude like that which is probably why I'm never considered managerial material.

Wait. Brutus would have to leave earlier in order to ride the bus so why is he late? He must've really overslept.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

2 Stars

Brutus is doing just fine at home, Gladys, and he doesn't need this bullshit. I don't know what Gladys does around the home, but I would say very little. All she does is stand by the door waiting for Brutus and Wilberforce to come home and cook dinner. I have no proof of anything else.

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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Leggo My Ego

Brutus is sitting in his green chair, with Gladys leaning on the back of it as Wilberforce stands in front of them. "I need help with my homework. What's an egotist?" Wilberforce asks. Gladys begins "An egotist is a..." but is interrupted by Brutus. "Hold on, Gladys! I'll take this! An egotist is a show-off who thinks he knows more than anyone else!"
What the hell kind of homework is this?

I don't see Brutus acting like this with anyone else. I don't think Brutus is an egotist or narcissist or whatever self-absorbed douche you think he is. I think he's just an average man and dad trying to impress his son. It's all really quite sad when you think about it.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

You'll Have to Speak Up, You're Talking to My Nose

Brutus is still on the phone from yesterday with the dermatologists office. "I'm sorry to head your rash came back, Mr. T..." the person on the phone says. "Dr. Stoner says that's pretty common with rashes. Dr. Stoner likes to joke that's how he can keep making his Mercedes payments."
So now Brutus is just listening to the front desk person ramble on about nothing? We're not going to mention the bounced check anymore? You know if you mention a bounced check in the first scene, it needs to go off in the third.

Is Brutus ok? He's just standing there.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Check Is Good

Brutus is on the phone, a cell phone with the earpiece hovering close to his nose, not ear. "Mr. Thornapple," a person on the other end begins. "This is Dr. Stoner's dermatology office calling...I'm afraid that the check you paid last week's visit with came back." Brutus responds "What a coincidence, so did my rash!"
Well, you still have to pay.

It's weird in TV shows, comics, and nearly every other mode of entertainment how cavalier people are with passing bad checks. I get not knowing you may become overdrawn, but so many fictional people are like "No, no. I have to bounce this check or else the whole system crumbles!" Not a great way to live.

And you let Dr. Pimple-Popper have it, Brutus!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Stars Are Aligned for You--Although They Have All Burned Out

Continuing from yesterday, Brutus is still with the fortune teller, Madame Slushka. "The stars are aligned for you! I see good fortune in your future!" Madame Slushka says. "Really? You do, Madame Slushka? I can't believe it!" Brutus exclaims. "You can't?" Madame Slushka begins, "then I will give it to you straight."
Honestly, Brutus should just carry a Magic 8-Ball with him. I bet it's more accurate, and I feel bad news sounds better coming from it. Outlook not so good. Don't count on it. My reply is no. See? It all sounds better. "Magic 8-Ball? Will my life finally emerge from the dark pit it's been in for the last four years?" Reply hazy, try again.

Anyway, to be continued...?

Monday, November 18, 2024

I'm More of a Tarot Man Myself

Brutus is in a tent with a fortune teller, completely stereotypical with a crystal ball. "Would you like my deluxe reading for $30 or my no-frills special for $10?" the fortune teller asks. "What do I get with the no-frills special?" Brutus asks. "A box of fortune cookies," the fortune teller replies.
A box of fortune cookies (400 of 'em!) costs $36 on Amazon so if that's the size of the box Brutus will get then that's a good deal.

I've been to a fortune teller, nor do I know where one would be. Do some of them still dress like gypsies Romani stereotypes? I feel that's something we can stop doing. We know she's a fortune teller. She has a crystal ball.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

These Two Minutes Will Last At Least Eight

Brutus and Arnie are watching TV. "What a fun game, huh, Brutus?" Arnie asks. "This game is a real nail-biter right to the bitter end," Brutus responds. "Yup, it's still anybody's game!" Arnie says. The TV blares "And with the score tied, there's the two-minute warning! Both teams will take advantage of this timeout to gather themselves and strategize for the conclusion of the game." "You know what I think?" Brutus asks. "We need a two-minute warning at work at the end of the day!"
So you need two minutes at the end of each day to gather yourself and strategize for the conclusion of work? Do you need someone to announce it? You have the luxury of having clocks around your workplace that football players don't have.

Arnie is probably regretting taking Brutus up on his offer to come over and watch the game.

If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Special Guest Star: Orson from U.S. Acres

WIlberforce is with Hurricane Hattie sitting around a piggy bank. "Bet you can't guess how many pennies are in my piggy bank!" Wilberforce says. "What are you betting?" Hattie asks. "The pennies. If you guess right, I'll give you both of 'em!"
Joke's on Hattie, Wilberforce has two pennies in that bank, but also 30 Kennedy half-dollars.

Is this one of those piggy banks you have to smash with a hammer to open? I hope so. I hate its face.

Friday, November 15, 2024


Brutus and Veeblefester and standing next to each other. "Thank you for saying at the staff meeting that I am a credit to the company!" Brutus says. "I was quite sincere," Veeblefester begins. "Of course, in business parlance, debit is a plus and credit is a minus."
I don't think so, but okay.

Chip got to making the Friday strip and said "That's enough backgrounds for this week." (Snarks the guy who is barely writing two sentences on a Friday.)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

So the Pie Is Being Crushed By Everything Else In the Bag?

Gladys comes in carrying a sack of groceries, Brutus is standing holding a cup of coffee. "I got a pumpkin pie for dessert." "I hope we have enough whipped cream," Brutus says. "I know you too well. I bought two large tubs of whipped cream," Gladys holds up two large tubs of whipped cream. "That should be enough," Brutus says as Gladys smiles knowingly at the reader, still holding the tubs of whipped cream.
I love pumpkin pie, but only really around this time of year. I can't see myself eating a pumpkin pie in May, for example. Same thing with eggnog. I'll drink the hell out of egg nog from November through December, but eggnog sounds gross any other time of the year.

The first comment on today's comic is someone saying whipped cream doesn't come in tubs and Cool Whip isn't whipped cream. Just shut the hell up, Robert!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Of You and Me

Brutus is at work, walking with a stack of papers humming "Hi-diddle-dee-dee-de-dum-de-dum-dee-dee" as Veeblefester watches. "I must say, Thornapple certainly is an unassuming fellow..." Veeblefester begins "...with a great deal to be unassuming about."
What's Veeblefester's problem? Brutus looks like he's doing his job. Leave him alone.

I don't quite understand today's comic. Unassuming means modest or not pretentious. So Veeblefester is saying Brutus is a modest fellow with a great deal to be modest about? Is that an insult? Who talks like this?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Autumn of His Life

Wilberforce and Uncle Ted are walking as leaves fall from the trees. "Is it tough being older, Uncle Ted?" Wilberforce asks. "Not at all. As they say, life begins at 50." "You mean," Wilberforce begins, "When I turn 50, I have to start all over again?"
If I had to guess, I would say Wilberforce's biggest fear is getting old. He talks a lot about getting old with both Uncle Ted and Brutus and while he tends to be kind of a jerk about it, I feel Wilberforce's attitude masks his fear.

Monday, November 11, 2024

For You, Brutus, I'll Charge Double

Hurricane Hattie is at Brutus' front door with a rake. "I hear you're raking old Mrs. Twomby's leaves," Brutus says. "I do it just cause I like her!" Hattie exclaims. "I heard she gave you ten dollars." "That's why I like her!"
She's doing labor and therefore should get paid. Your time and energy are worth something. Never undervalue yourself.

Why does she have to be Old Mrs. Twomby? She's probably only 62 or something which is only, like, twelve years older than Brutus. Does her house look haunted? One of my favorite tropes is when all of the houses in the neighborhood are nFormal ranch houses but for some reason there is a 1800s Gothic Revival castle-looking house that has at least three floors and a turret. It's a street of Brady Bunch houses and then BAM! it's the Munsters.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

There's Goes Saturday Night

I stopped posting here back in August because I was going through a lot of stuff at the time. It's been quite a three months for me. Aside from going back to work and helping a friend after the death of her younger brother, my mom got really sick and was in the hospital for almost a month before passing away. For some reason, I just didn't feel like writing or really doing anything. I was able to come to a stopping point for most of what I was writing at the time and haven't started back up. I haven't even been able to do any research. I even went to a cemetery last weekend to see if I could get any inspiration and all I got was a panic attack, which are new fun things I've been getting lately.

I was able to eke out a Harry Anderson post which I enjoyed doing and I still post occasionally on Threads and Bluesky. I was getting excited for Kamala Harris becoming president. It was one thing my Mom regretted not being here for. She really wanted to vote for Harris and keep Trump from the White House. I guess it's good she wasn't here to witness this loss and another Trump administration. I feel better about getting back to writing. I've been working on outlines and slowly getting back into getting some words out. Also, yesterday, I shut down my Twitter. There's no reason to be on it anymore.

I have a few things in the pipeline to post here over the next couple months and a couple of planned posts alongside the usual Born Loser stuff. I hope to have 1966 comics for 2025 and I have a couple of surprises as well. If you wish to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi. You can also just follow me on the aforementioned Threads and Bluesky. Thanks for reading.

You better watch what the next words out of your mouth are, Brutus. As a proud graduate of Catfish Hill Community College (Go Spartans!!), I am very protective of my whiskered swimmers.

I wonder if Chip realizes that game would go well with the Cooking Channel. Catfish (yum!) versus Liver (your mileage may vary).