Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Thanksgiving Chef

Brutus, apparently coming home from work, pokes his head through the kitchen door to see Gladys stirring something in a big bowl and wearing an apron and chef's hat. A "Thumpa thumpa" echoes through each panel. "You've already started on tomorrow's feast, I see. What's that noise?" asks Brutus. "I forgot to start thawing the turkey earlier..." Gladys begins, "Then I thought of the perfect solution. I put the bird in the clothes dryer!"
Sit it in a sink of hot water? Can it fit in the microwave? Put the oven on warm and leave it for couple hours? Eh, what do I know? I'm not a chef. I don't have a chef's hat like Gladys does. Clearly she's much better at this than I am.