Thursday, November 28, 2024

A Superkatt Thanksgiving

Giggle Comics began with a cover date of August 1943 and was published by American Comics Group. The series would last 99 issues, ending in February 1955 and being renamed Spencer Spook (kind of a Casper/Spooky hodgepodge character) starting with issue 100. That series would continue for 2 issues, ending with issue 101.

One of the features in Giggle was Superkatt. Superkatt, from what I can tell, began in Giggle Comics #9 and continued to appear until issue 77 in 1951. I don't quite get Superkatt's deal except he wears a baby bonnet, a giant bow, and a diaper. I guess he isn't litter box trained. Anyway, this Thanksgiving Superkatt story was published in Giggle #36, December 1946. Just skimming through some issues, if you like racist caricatures, then this is your series. This story was written, drawn, and lettered by Dan Gordon.

I love when copycat characters are a clear mix of other, more popular characters. I feel Superkatt here is a mix of Sylvester, Katnip (of Herman & Katnip), maybe Sourpuss, and...Baby Huey...? It doesn't explain his name. Maybe it's because he can talk.

I feel the real cause of this is asking the cat to carry the dishes. I don't care if the cat can talk and walk on his hind legs.

Also, didn't that boy on the stairs in the first panel above throw a brick at Superkatt?

That...sheep? right. I can't wait until animals are fat enough to eat. I do love eating meat. There's a 75% chance I am eating meat as I'm typing this.

I will be honest. I kind of like these characters. We should bring back Superkatt and Humphrey. It's my idea so you have to give me money though.


I'm glad that Superkatt is so passionate about protecting his friends but I would not be intimidated by him at all. "What a cute bonnet," is what I'd say as I gently carry the cat back outside, away from all the exposed meat in my butchershop.

Meat a dog loves to eat? You mean shredded newspaper and chicken byproduct?

The plight of turkeys during Thanksgiving is exactly the same as slaves in the United States. Exactly the same. Don't question it. Exactly the same.

Yeah, Superkatt definitely looks like someone I'd want to help me with something. I don't know what instills more trust--the bonnet, bow, or diaper.

Exactly the same.

This man is just trying to make a living. Leave him alone.

This is how annoying most vegetarian and vegan people are online.

Poor man is just trying to make a living...

Slaves and Thanksgiving turkeys: Exactly the same.

There wasn't a sink or something you could've drowned him in? Just going to kick him out so he can continue to terrorize the neighborhood?

Wait a minute. Turkeys can't fly. Even if these are wild turkeys, they can only fly for short distances. There's an entire episode of WKRP In Cincinnati about it.

He should brush up on his landings. Cats should land on their feet. Maybe the diaper got in the way or something.

You set the turkeys free! You're the reason you're going to get a beating.

Although, again, leaving something important as bringing home a turkey for Thanksgiving up to a cat seems like a bad idea.

Yet Superkatt doesn't seem to care that the lamb that leg used to belong to went through the same thing. I guess if you can't converse with the animal, it doesn't matter.

Petunia looks way too happy to be slaughtering a turkey.

Just gonna leave that leg of lamb on the ground?

That's some good egg placement, I tell you hwhat.

Somehow I feel this name is much more racist than just calling her Mammie Jefferson or something. 

Dan Gordon really knew what he was doing with that egg placement.

Like many of these subpar Golden Age comic book stories, I feel this story should be over by now. At least it's not Funnyman.

So now we're going to eat a leg of lamb that's been coated in dirty turkey feathers?

What time is it? Petunia has to kill, pluck, and still cook the turkey and it seems like hours have gone by since this story started.

I hate to say it but that's a decent likeness.

"Yeah, yeah. Indigestion. He won't be thinking of that when he's missing his head."

I love the fake head flying off.

BWAA! Where'd that sheep come from?!

This panel is perfect. No notes.

The black sheep's name is Midnight?

The sheep were going to beat up Superkatt? Superkatt? Who's dressed like that so there's clearly something developmentally wrong with him?

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to, Midnight.

Well, this did not end the way I thought it would. If you were hoping to see Humphrey and Superkatt sitting at the table with Petunia eating their leg of lamb turkey or even Petunia beating the crap out of Superkatt because lamb and turkey do not taste the same, then I am sorry to disappoint you.

In Superkatt's defense, that lamb was already dead so...

What happened to that kid at the beginning of the story?