Tuesday, February 24, 2015

1142: What If There's a Nude of Gladys In One of the Strips?

Starting March 23, 2015, Blogger won't allow bloggers to be able to publicly share images and video that are sexually explicit or show graphic nudity. If you share explicit content, your blog will be made private so the general public won't be able to see it. Their policy only mentions images and videos but does it affect or will it affect text and what is the criteria?

I have nude images of Lindsay Lohan posted here. Will that one post end up getting my site privatized or will that be considered "artistic, education, documentary or scientific"? Will my stories that I have published here be a problem? I have been thinking for the last year of moving this site or starting a new website and I would like to move to WordPress like every other normal person but WordPress charges to have your own website and I don't even make enough through advertising and book sales to pay for the name let alone the name and domain hosting. If you have any advice or suggestions, let me know on the contact form or on Twitter: @tauycreek.

"What's that thing you use to look up the meanings of words?"

"I don't know. Go look it up."

*dictionary explodes*

Monday, February 23, 2015

1141: Weren't You Just Hinting That Brutus Spends Too Much Money Eating Out?

I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret. I don't like beef stroganoff. I think that it has a weird taste. I've made a couple of stroganoff recipes and one is not my favorite and the other I can choke down. I remember when school lunches had beef stroganoff--that was sad lunch day for Brian. I usually just ate the noodles and some of the meat.

Also, my spell check says 'stroganoff' is misspelled but doesn't tell me why. Maybe it's supposed to be capitalized but if so, just tell me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

1140: Like Gladys Has Any Room To Complain About Brutus' Weight

Days that end in Y are rare if you spell the words Mondae, Tuesdae, Wednesdae... The best thing about my spelling is that teenagers can plan a recurring weekly date with their significant others and call it FriBae.

Did I write 'best' because I meant 'worst.'

While I do agree that maybe Brutus spends a bit too much eating out at restaurants and diner while he is at work, most of the money disappears because of Gladys' shopping habits.

Today's strip is particularly mean because Brutus isn't attacking Gladys and her spending but is just asking a hypothetical question.

Monday, February 16, 2015

1139: No One Choo-Choo-Chose Him

Today's strip is pretty sad. Wilberforce can barely handle being nine-years-old so middle school and high school are going to eat him alive. Also, do many elementary schools have Valentine's parties that include dancing? Most Valentine parties I went to were just excuses to load your child up with sugar and hand out those stupid Valentine cards.

Historic Sites Board of Review, February 2015

Every quarter, the Kansas State Historical Society holds a review off nominations to the national and state registers of historic places. They post on Twitter what's being nominated, pictures and short histories of the places which is nice because it may be the only way an average Kansan can see some of these places.

Approved for Nomination to the National Register:

Lindquist Building, Lindsborg
The P.J. Lindquist Building was built in 1901 and is located along Main Street in downtown Lindsborg. It was originally constructed to house Lindquist's tailor business on the ground floor. Later, a restaurant and bakery occupied the ground floor. From 1913 until 1922, the building housed the Tea Cup Inn.

Peter J. Lindquist was born in Skoda, Sweden in 1872. He purchased the lot and built this building in 1901 after immigrating to the U.S. in 1892. He married Lindsborg native Anna Swenson in 1895. The Census and Sanborn maps show the Lindquists living in the second-floor apartment possibly due to financial hardships during the Depression.

Although built for Lindquist's tailor business, the commercial space was rented out for most of the Lindquist's ownership of the building. Anna Lindquist sold the building in 1946 six years after her husband died.

The best known business that occupied the Lindquist Building was The Tea Cup Inn, owned and operated by Mary Linderholm who moved to town and opened up the Inn after her husband died in 1912. Her daughters worked as the waitresses. Mary closed the Inn in 1922 due to her daughters growing up and living their own lives. Since then, a variety of businesses have occupied the ground floor until 2006 when the building became vacant. It was purchased by its current owner in 2013. For more information, go here.

Washington School, Independence
Washington School was dedicated in 1940 and was part of a WPA project. The two front entrances have rounded corners and a built-in clock over the south entrance. Washington is a two-story concrete building designed by Thomas Williamson. It served as the Ward One Public School from 1940 until 2011 when it was closed when a new school was built.

The interior features 14 classrooms, two for each grade, a Kindergarten room, art and music room, kitchen, lunch room, and assembly room with a stage. Washington School was built quickly as, since it was a WPA project, ground had to be broken by the end of the year (1938) and completed within one year. In 1991, Washington became the school that housed the fifth graders until 2011 when Jefferson Elementary School was built to house 3rd-5th graders. Washington's sister school, built at the same time, Lincoln Elementary was sold to the hospital and demolished while Washington was recently sold and will be converted into apartments. For more information, go here.

Bown-Corby School, Marion
This beautiful Collegiate Gothic building was built in 1929 to replace another school that was on this site. It was named after Anna Bown and Jenny Corby, two longtime school teachers in the Marion school district. Corby would be the principal of Bown-Corby School from its opening until she retired in 1941.

Bown-Corby held classes for grades Kindergarten through 8th until 1961 when a new modern elementary school was built. Bown-Corby then held Kindergarten through 3rd grade until 1992 when it became the Marion County Community College until 2012. It was recently purchased by a developer who plans to renovate it into apartments. For more information, go here.

Hermit Cave and Belfry Hill, Council Grove

Belfry Hill is a natural rise of about 70-100 feet near the center of Council Grove. Early photos shows a bare mound with no trees or vegetation. By the 20th Century, the hill was covered with mature trees creating a beautiful backdrop to downtown Council Grove. Terracing was placed around the hill in 1901 in an effort to clean up the hill. Since then, the area has been a popular tourist attraction.

Hermit's Cave is located on the eastern bluff of Belfry Hill. A stone staircase leads from Belfry Street to the cave. For five months in 1863, Father Giovanni de Agostini (Father Francesco) stayed in the cave while traveling the Santa Fe Trail. He became known as the Hermit Priest thus giving the cave its name.

Another feature of Belfry Hill is the Old Bell Monument. Nearly nine feet tall, a limestone obelisk hold the remains of a bell placed there in 1863 that was used to warn the townspeople of Indian raids, however, this is inaccurate. The bell broke in 1884 but was rescued and attached to this stone monument in 1901 after a group of schoolchildren raised money and stone for the memorial. Initials of the schoolchildren are carved into the stone. The bell was purchased from the Plymouth Congregational Church in Lawrence in 1863 after it was rejected for having a crack. The bell was used until 1884, even tolling all day when President James Garfield died in 1881, when a wind storm destroyed the bell tower and the bell rolled down the hill and was further damaged by vandals. The bell was used as a flower pot until 1901 when the monument was constructed.

For more information, go here.

Fix Farmstead, Alma
John Robert Fix came to Kansas Territory with his parents in 1856. Upon heading westward from Leavenworth, the hills along Mill Creek reminded them of the hills in Pennsylvania so they decided to preempt a claim along the West Branch of Mill Creek in western Wabaunsee County. Fix enlisted in the army during the Civil War and witnessed the engagement of the Monitor and the Merrimac, the Battle of Gettysburg and the Seven Days Fight. After the war, Fix went to Indiana where he married Rebecca Larch. They returned to Kansas in 1866.

John built a sturdy stone house shortly after arriving on land just west of his parents original claim. In 1886, the Fixes sold a strip of land to the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. After the railroad was built a town, Volland, was established nearby. John Fix died in 1918, Rebecca following in 1922. The farmstead stayed in the family until 1955 when it was sold. John Fix, along with his wife, daughter, parents and close friends are buried near the farmstead in the Fix Cemetery along the railroad.

For more information, go here.

The Parsonian Building, Parsons
In 1954, the Parsonian Hotel opened with great fanfare. It was decided in 1951 that Parsons needed a modern hotel. The city had been trying to get new accommodations for years but the plans always fell through for one reason or another. The Parsonian demonstrates the Modern Movement Style of architecture that was common during this time and signified Parsons progressiveness. In total, the hotel is eight stories tall, red brick is used on the bottom two stories while yellow brick is used on floors 3 through 8. Sadly, eight years later, stockholders voted to sell the hotel in order to avoid foreclosure. It was then reopened as a hotel and convention center by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartelli but the hotel still struggled but remained a hotel and in the Bartelli family until 2008 when it was purchased by a developer to become apartments. The top two floors were completely renovated when the money ran out. The Parsonian currently sits vacant.

For more information, go here.

Route 66 Historic District, Baxter Springs
Historic Route 66 briefly enters Kansas in the southeast. It only goes 13 miles but all 13 miles of it can still be driven on and is well-marked. Route 66 came into existence in 1926 and connected Chicago to Los Angeles. 66 served the area until Interstate 44 became the primary transportation route. 66 was decommissioned in 1985.

The nominated portion spans 2.1 miles from just south of the Brush Creek Rainbow Arch Bridge (1923, on the NRHP) to the Willow Creek Bridge. For more information, go here.

St. Mary's Church, Kinsley
St. Mary's Church was originally constructed in 1904 and was destroyed by fire in 1928. It was determined that it was possible to rebuild the church using the four walls that were still standing. The new church was dedicated in December of that year. The church is a simple Gothic Revival and the land for the church and cemetery was donated by John Gleason who was the first person buried there in 1904 after a team of horses ran over him. The church was started in 1903 after the Irish congregation of St. Joseph's Church had a dispute with the German congregants.

St. Mary's closed in 1997 due to a lack of priests but it remains well-taken care of and the nearby cemetery is still used and owned by the Wichita Archdiocese. The church is owned separately. At the time of its closing, around 30 families were still involved with the church. For more information, go here.

Girl Scout House, Ashland
The Girl Scout Little House was built in 1937 by laborers employed by the WPA. The stone was quarried with native stone from a place north of Ashland and measures 20 by 40 feet. The Ashland Girl Scout Troop was organized in 1924 by Dorothy Berryman. After World War I, efforts were made for the Girl Scouts to build camps and club houses. The Little House movement began in 1923 and aimed to have the Girl Scouts own and maintain their own property. Ashland Girl Scouts worked diligently to obtain the funds to buy and quarry the stone, draft plans and help in the construction. The Little House is currently maintained by the City of Ashland and is still used for meeting space.

For more information, go here.

Strother Field Tetrahedron Wind Indicator, Winfield
In 1941, the city commissioners of Winfield and Arkansas City met to approve a Class 2 airport with one hangar. In 1942, the government was interested in the location as a flight school. The cities leased some land and on November 1, 1942, Strother Army Air Field opened. As World War II came to an end, Strothers Field was put on standby.

Since the airfield didn't have a control tower to assist the pilots, giant tetrahedron wind indicators were installed so that pilots could see which direction the wind was blowing from the air. The tetrahedron were made of thin metal and canvas. The Strother Field wind indicator even retains its original lighting which was used by pilots at night so they could tell the direction. For more information, go here.

It was also decided to add The Last Chance Store in Council Grove to the State Register of Historic Places. It was built in 1857 and was the last stop to buy supplies along the Santa Fe Trail for many years.

Information and photographs courtesy of the Kansas State Historical Society.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

1138: It's Clear George Is Having an Affair, Right?

I love that Chip's middle-age woman winter wear is inspired by what they wear in Soviet Russia. It makes it seem like this comic strip takes place in a foreign country and not Cleveland, Ohio.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

1137: Who Else Would Have Her?

I'm sure most readers will see this as Brutus just walking away all lovestruck but I think he fainted, his poor heart not being able to take the stress of possibly being rejected by his own wife on Valentine's Day. He's on the floor right now clutching his chest, sweating profusely and making gurgling sounds while Gladys, who just agreed to be his Valentine, talks to...someone...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015

1136: Gary Owens, 1934-2015

Gary Owens, voice artist extraordinaire whose trademark baritone voice was heard on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, cartoons like Space Ghost, Blue Falcon, Garfield and Friends, The Ren and Stimpy and numerous other guest roles, has passed away. He was 80.

Just take some flowers from the local cemetery. Gladys will never know the difference.*

*Note: I do not condone stealing flowers from a cemetery.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

1135: Should've Known She Was Online Shopping Since She Doesn't Have Any Bags

I sometimes think online shopping is more exhausting because you are not quite sure what you want especially if it's clothes. Will these pants fit the same as all the other pants I have from this company in this size? I can't try them on so I hope so. What's the return policy just in case. Should I have them delivered to the store and pick them up or just have them delivered to my house? So many questions and so much work. I need a nap.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

1134: It Was Going To Be Such a Good Rant, Too

I was going to post something yesterday because I wanted to talk about the Grammys but I didn't get home until late and then I never got online and I have completely forgot what I was going to rant about. It was something about how no one who is expected to win ever seems to win anymore but I had something much more eloquent thought out when I was driving to work yesterday.

Instead of yelling at him for spilling coffee, why don't suggest he shove a napkin in his collar to help absorb the coffee or how about you get a Tide stain remover pen or have Brutus take off that shirt and immediately throw it in the laundry or try to clean it up with water? Why are you even getting mad at him? Sure, he's spilling coffee on his white shirt but you're the one that doesn't seem to know what to do to get a coffee stain out of a shirt.

That's not how splitting a check works.

Why even ask? Just pay for what you ordered. If you split something, then each of you pay half for it. God, why am I the only one who knows how things work in this comic strip?

Sunday, February 08, 2015

1133: Wilberforce V. Brutus: Title Bout

I've don't think I've ever seen Wilberforce play a video game. In fact, a click on the video game tag brings up only my review of the Super Nintendo game Mighty Max--which you should definitely read if you haven't or reread if you have.

I see Sunday is when Wilberforce is going to aggrevate Brutus, giving Gladys a short respite from the nightmare she was in Friday and Saturday.

Friday, February 06, 2015

1132: Wilberforce v. Gladys

For some reason, it seems as if TV writers, movie writers, really any writer, are under the impression that kids go to school at 9 or something. How many things show kids getting up at 6 and being able to eat a large breakfast, take a shower, finish homework, walk the dog and take their time getting dressed all before school starts? In reality, kids have about as much time to eat something small and throw on clothes then head out the door. Maybe if you have good time management you could cram all that in but you know Wilberforce doesn't have good time management skills so of course he's having a good day, he's only been up for ten minutes.

Wilberforce is really poking at Gladys. Maybe he's doing some research for Pope Francis on how hard you can spank a child before they start to lose their dignity.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

1131: Thornapple v. Gargle, Redux

I wish I knew what Mother Gargle has done. Knowing Brutus, it's probably something pretty insignificant. What I find scary is that somewhere, off panel, Mother Gargle is there--waiting and watching.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

1130: I Would Think Salisbury Steak

Honestly, the fish sticks and sliders sounds pretty good to me. It's odd that Veeblefester assumes it's lobster and steak when he's clearly familiar with the 'corner deli.'

Monday, February 02, 2015

1129: Guys, It's Just a Groundhog

Did you all see that ludicrous display last night? I'm not a sports person but I always watch the Super Bowl because there was a time it was a family occasion. I was rooting for the Seahawks mainly because I felt Patriot fans handled the "deflategate" nontroversy very poorly. They made it seem like it was some sort of attack on them when, if it had happened to any other team, they would've screamed for the wins to be tossed out and the quarterback banned from playing football forever. I assume all football teams would act like that had it been their team but it was the Patriots and they could've handled it so much better but instead chose to act like little kids and treated the Super Bowl like some sort of revenge.

Seriously, why aren't their game balls to play with that the players aren't allowed to touch until they are on the field?

One thing I've never understood about Groundhog Day is if the groundhog sees his shadow then we will have six more weeks of winter while not seeing his shadow, spring comes early. Six weeks would essentially push winter to almost the spring equinox but what constitutes early? Two weeks? Four weeks? And how much longer are we going to be under the thumb of the groundhog cartels?

If you are in a giving mood or want to help out a fellow Internet user and producer, please consider donating so he can get his car fixed and continue producing and keep his job.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

1128: No Tip for Her

Congrats to this crappy diner that basically admits that they serve slop for calling their lunchtime special "the businessperson." This waitress still only gets 77 cents for every dollar her male counterpart gets but small steps. Small steps.