Friday, September 30, 2016
They Are Literally Shaking In Fear
Dennis the Menace
You're being paid in education. You're being paid in ways to become a productive human being. Now, you are old enough to know 2+2 and 2+3 so get those numbers down.
The news isn't scarier, there is just more time to fill and for some reason, no one cares about all the good and decent things that happen in the world. While watching news segments about playful kittens, adorable children, and people turning 105 are fun for a minute, we all want to know who's been shot today. We just don't want to admit that about ourselves.
Hi and Lois
I just want pants that don't feel tight around my ankles or make it seem like my testicles are going to pop when I sit down.
Mary Worth
I saw a movie that started out this way. Finally, we can ditch the boring storyline of drug addiction and move on to the wild world of incest.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
And Since It's Chinese Food, Tommy Will Be Hungry Again In an Hour
I went to see Blair Witch the other night with my son. I was a huge fan of the original 1999 movie, which I will talk about next month, so I was actually thrilled when I saw that a sequel was coming out and even more thrilled that it would continue the story and be filmed the same way. Overall, it was a good movie. It was a very good companion piece to a movie that sort of reinvented the horror genre. Right away we are introduced to James Donahue, Heather's younger brother. Heather wandered into the woods nearly 20 years ago and apparently just got herself lost according to James who has a hard time letting go. James and his friends load up thousands of dollars of filming equipment and head off to the Black Hills Forest outside of Burkittsville, Maryland to debunk this witch legend and bring Heather home. No one gives a damn about Josh and Mike. Taking two locals with them, the sextuplet soon find themselves camping, getting attacked by weird sounds and discovering makeshift witch-like cross things hanging from the trees. They then decide to leave because it is too much. They soon start to suspect their two guides, Lane and Talia, are behind the strange occurrences and they part ways. The Blair Witch then begins to pick them off one-by-one. But I don't want to review the whole movie, just give out short criticisms on what I didn't like compared to the original movie.
3. Seeing the Blair Witch
To be fair, we don't really see her but we see, albeit briefly, quick flashes of her either as a pale, spindly appendaged creature or a shuffling person-sized hairball. The thing about the original was that we never saw anything. Whether it was Heather running through the woods screaming or Heather getting knocked over in the basement--nothing. No quick flashes of a creature, no odd possession scenes, it was all off-camera. While some of the flashes (the woman covered in hair) was spot-on and stuck to the legend, it just seemed to be something the audience doesn't need to see.
2. Romance
It seemed to me like there was a cut storyline of James and Lisa hooking up. During the scene where James is trying to calm Lisa down by telling her to breathe, I thought that they were going to kiss. The original didn't need a romantic backstory but it seems that everything in pop culture does now. And when there isn't a romantic storyline, fans write one in anyway. I much rather enjoyed the "three friends" motif of the original instead of the "three couples" motif this movie seemed to have.
1. The Set-Up
The movie seemed to waste quite a bit of the beginning on playing around with their gadgets and going to a club. While the original movie had them trying to figure out the cameras, picking people up, and going to the store for supplies, we didn't see much of their personal life. And that was fine. Why did we need to see them going out and partying and getting drunk? While the scene raised an ethical dilemma for Lisa, the audience knows that dilemma doesn't matter.
So is Blair Witch worth seeing? I think it is. It's a good movie and it reminded me that I like horror movies and need to start watching them again.
Mark Trail
Mark is currently trying to help this woman figure out why there are fire ants on this secluded island. It's also the start of a storyline where Mark is sued for paternity.
Mary Worth
I'm hoping Tommy used "I'm addicted to vicodin" for every excuse now. "Why didn't you wash your dishes?" "I'm addicted to vicodin." "Why were you out so late?" "I'm addicted to vicodin." "Why did you run over that child?" "I'm addicted to vicodin."
Rex Morgan, M.D.
"Which is fine because I'd rather deal with this shit than your shit."
U.S. Acres
I don't know. Maybe it's a sign of the end of days or that Donald Trump will actually become president but today's U.S. Acres made me laugh.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Last Wednesday of the Month Quickies
Chris is never going to visit her father ever again.
Family Circus
"I'll tie a double knot around your throat you little..."
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Maybe an Abraham Lincoln Scenario Could Occur
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith
You have to admit that the people of Hootin' Holler are very open and accepting of their own mortality. Unlike those Debbie Downers over in Pluggers.
Nobody can take Ed anywhere can they?
Beetle Bailey
This could've taken a very different turn after the first panel. Very different indeed.
You have no idea how disappointed I was when I found that neither "Firefingers" Waters or "One-Arm" Chippendale are real people. It seriously ruined my day.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Ipomoea #1
Colonel Nicholas Bonaparte, possibly related to the Napoleon one, who honestly knows, opened his mail that he received during the 15 years he spent in stasis. Most he immediately deleted but one of the more legitimate ones was about his wife, Wendy. She had passed away five years ago at the age of 83. He knew this might be coming when he took the assignment but he wanted one last voyage before he retired. Col. Bonaparte had been the captain of the Earthian terraforming ship Ipomoea for 40 years and he was reluctant to give up command even though there were dozens of replacement who would be just as good. He was just being stubborn.
Attached with the email was a pamphlet on how to cope with the death of your spouse while millions of miles from Earth. Bonaparte decided against reading that and deleted the email and several others after it. The door to his office slid open and a statuesque woman walked in. She was in a uniform and was carrying several clipboards.
“Sir, here is the itinerary for the terraforming. We are within 12 parsecs of the planet and the terraformers are getting ready as we speak,” the woman said.
“Very good, Captain Fielding,” Bonaparte took the clipboard from Fielding and glanced over it. “I assume everything was good for you in stasis.”
“It was, sir. How was yours?”
“I’ve been in stasis more times than I can count and I always wake up with a cramp in the back of my leg,” he bent down and rubbed. “Why do you think that is?”
“Maybe it’s because you’re old, sir,” Fielding said with a smile.
Bonaparte smiled back. “Who’s going on the terraforming today?”
“Rizzo and Cardy. Under the command of Cpl. Rizzo,” Fielding answered.
“The brother and sister? Do you think that’s wise?”
“Cpl. Rizzo needs the experience of leading and Ensign Rizzo is one of our best terraformers.”
“Alright,” Bonaparte said. “I just hope they are okay with it.”
“Hey, Cardy,” Lester Rizzo said as he went into the quarters he shared with Manford Cardy. Rizzo had just finished taking a shower and was scrubbing his ears out with his towel. “What’s happening?”
“Just checking my mail. My girlfriend broke up with me, got married, and had three kids while I was in stasis,” Cardy said.
“If she broke up with you then why did she keep you in the loop about all that?” Rizzo asked.
“The girl is crazy about me,” Cardy exclaimed. “Have you checked your mail?”
“Oh, no. Not right now. Too many bad things could be there and I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life,” Rizzo walked into his closet. His robe that he was wearing when he walked in was tossed out onto his bed. “Besides, Sabrina will tell me any bad news we receive.”
As if on cue, Corporal Sabrina Rizzo ran into Rizzo and Cardy’s room with tears in her eyes. “Rollo is dead,” she cried. “He died three years ago.”
“Of course he did. He was a nine-year-old cat when we left Earth,” Rizzo came out of the closet dressed in his Ipomoea uniform which consisted of blue slacks, a blue shirt, and the wrist computer that everybody wore. “Nine plus fifteen equals 24 and cats rarely live to be 24, Sabrina. But 21 is still a pretty damn old cat,” Rizzo acknowledged.
“I guess,” Sabrina said quietly. “Ooh, you got your terraforming manifests. Did you see who all is going?”
“Well, clearly Cardy and I since we got the manifests,” Rizzo said.
“Did you see who your C.O. is going to be?” Sabrina smiled big.
“Oh, no. Not you.”
“Yes, me,” Sabrina’s happiness disappeared when her brother’s disapproval came. “I told you that this might happen but you didn’t care. You just had to follow Lisa Yates though.”
“Who’s Lisa Yates?” Cardy smiled, finally interested in one of Lester and Sabrina’s family squabbles.
“Nobody,” Rizzo snapped back.
“Lisa Yates is an old high school crush who works in the medical unit. Lester, here, applied when he dropped me off for my first day of work. He saw her and thought that maybe being on the same ship with her and 1,300 other people would make her love him.”
“So how is your relationship progressing?” Cardy asked.
“Right now, we’re at awkward passes in the corridor. I’m hoping in a couple of months that we can move up to awkward smiles and a ‘Hey’,” Rizzo said.
Sabrina chuckled. “I will see you two at Dock Number 3,” she left the room.
“I like your sister,” Cardy laughed.
“You want her? Take her.”
This was Rizzo’s third terraforming excursion but it was his first long-term excursion. His first was the Moon--a simple event that was hailed by numerous countries. Soon, he was sent to Pluto in a year-long event. Rizzo was then asked to do the Walbach Planetary Cluster, a triplet of planets in the habitable zone in the AA-20918 System. It was the furthest excursion that North American Civilization Administration commissioned but with the sparseness of habitable planets, they felt it was something they had to claim.
Cardy was a mechanic who mainly made sure that the vending machines and other machines that made life easier ran smoothly. Terraformers were required to have a mechanic with them just in case the ship they took broke down or the terraforming units died. No one wants a terraformer to be stranded on a desolate, inhospitable planet for the rest of their life.
Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina stood on the loading dock next to one of the personal ships, Blue Dwarf 2; Blue Dwarf 1 was currently getting its fluids changed. “Are we ready?” Sabrina asked.
“All the terraforming equipment is loaded into the Dwarf and Cardy’s tools are too,” Rizzo said. “Who’s piloting?”
“You can,” Sabrina offered. “But I have to ride passenger.”
“Just don’t criticize me. I am a much better driver than anyone give me credit for.”
“You drove the family car into a ditch,” Sabrina brought up.
“That was one time and everything was fine once the tow truck pulled the car out of the ditch,” Rizzo shouted.
“How did you drive a car into a ditch? You should’ve had your eyes on the road and ditches are so huge,” Cardy said.
“The car was a stick shift and this is a family argument,” Rizzo stormed off into Blue Dwarf. “Why do they even still make those kind of cars? They are an abomination…” he muttered, getting quieter and he walked into the cockpit.
Within minutes, Blue Dwarf was heading toward the cluster of planets while Ipomoea drifted silently along the rim of the system. “We have a problem, sir?” Capt. Fielding said, coming into Bonaparte’s cabin where he was monitoring Blue Dwarf’s voyage.
“We just started? What could possibly be wrong?”
“The Ipomoea is about to enter a wormhole,” Fielding said. “We’ve looked at trying to stop, turn around, and just avoid but there is no way we can do either of those things.”
“Why didn’t it show up on our monitors or scanners?” Bonaparte was furious but kept his cool.
“A wormhole gives off very little radiation or heat or light so unless you are very close, you can’t detect them. Also, wormholes are generally black and the thing about space is that it’s black, as are our monitors, so it’s really hard to see a wormhole,” Fielding tried explaining.
Bonaparte sighed. “So what do we do? Just fly head first into a wormhole?”
“That’s the only viable option. Best case scenario, nothing happens, everything turns out fine. Worst case scenario, the whole ship and everyone inside is ripped apart and scattered among millions of time periods and dimensions,” Fielding said matter-of-factly. “Should we tell the crew?”
The whole terraforming excursion took six hours and by the time Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina was returning to the Ipomoea, changes could be seen happening to each of the planets. Storms were clearing, fog was lifting. In about ten years, all three planets would be able to sustain life and be similar to Earth.
The Blue Dwarf landed softly on the loading dock and Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina got out and began walking across the dock. They noticed the small piles of ash on the floor but didn’t think anything of it. As they walked through the corridor they noticed more piles and how quiet it was.
“What’s going on?” Sabrina stopped walking and listened. “There is literally no noise on this ship. There’s also no talking.”
“It sounds like we’re in low-power mode,” Cardy said.
“Where is everybody?” Rizzo asked. He took his fingers and dipped them into a nearby pile of ash. He sniffed what got stuck to his fingers and licked them.
“Ah, you made it back safely,” an android began walking up to them.
“Robot-2? What’s going on?” Sabrina asked. Rizzo kept touching and eating the ash pile.
“Cpl. Rizzo, the Ipomoea had no choice to but to fly through a wormhole. While only seconds passed in this dimension, millions of years passed in the other one. The entire crew is now dead. Have been for millions of years,” Robot-2 explained.
“So where are all the bodies? And what’s this powder all over the ship?” Rizzo asked, taking another fingerful.
“The bodies all broke down into their basic chemical components over millions of years and became ash. That pile you’re eating is Second Navigator Trentus Ericksson,” Robot-2 said.
Rizzo began spitting and rubbing his fingers over his tongue in a panic.
“So we’re the last survivors on this ship? We’re the only ones alive?” Sabrina asked.
“I’m afraid so,” Robot-2 confirmed, sadly.
Sabrina looked at Cardy and Rizzo, who was still rubbing his tongue. “What are we going to do?”
Attached with the email was a pamphlet on how to cope with the death of your spouse while millions of miles from Earth. Bonaparte decided against reading that and deleted the email and several others after it. The door to his office slid open and a statuesque woman walked in. She was in a uniform and was carrying several clipboards.
“Sir, here is the itinerary for the terraforming. We are within 12 parsecs of the planet and the terraformers are getting ready as we speak,” the woman said.
“Very good, Captain Fielding,” Bonaparte took the clipboard from Fielding and glanced over it. “I assume everything was good for you in stasis.”
“It was, sir. How was yours?”
“I’ve been in stasis more times than I can count and I always wake up with a cramp in the back of my leg,” he bent down and rubbed. “Why do you think that is?”
“Maybe it’s because you’re old, sir,” Fielding said with a smile.
Bonaparte smiled back. “Who’s going on the terraforming today?”
“Rizzo and Cardy. Under the command of Cpl. Rizzo,” Fielding answered.
“The brother and sister? Do you think that’s wise?”
“Cpl. Rizzo needs the experience of leading and Ensign Rizzo is one of our best terraformers.”
“Alright,” Bonaparte said. “I just hope they are okay with it.”
“Hey, Cardy,” Lester Rizzo said as he went into the quarters he shared with Manford Cardy. Rizzo had just finished taking a shower and was scrubbing his ears out with his towel. “What’s happening?”
“Just checking my mail. My girlfriend broke up with me, got married, and had three kids while I was in stasis,” Cardy said.
“If she broke up with you then why did she keep you in the loop about all that?” Rizzo asked.
“The girl is crazy about me,” Cardy exclaimed. “Have you checked your mail?”
“Oh, no. Not right now. Too many bad things could be there and I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life,” Rizzo walked into his closet. His robe that he was wearing when he walked in was tossed out onto his bed. “Besides, Sabrina will tell me any bad news we receive.”
As if on cue, Corporal Sabrina Rizzo ran into Rizzo and Cardy’s room with tears in her eyes. “Rollo is dead,” she cried. “He died three years ago.”
“Of course he did. He was a nine-year-old cat when we left Earth,” Rizzo came out of the closet dressed in his Ipomoea uniform which consisted of blue slacks, a blue shirt, and the wrist computer that everybody wore. “Nine plus fifteen equals 24 and cats rarely live to be 24, Sabrina. But 21 is still a pretty damn old cat,” Rizzo acknowledged.
“I guess,” Sabrina said quietly. “Ooh, you got your terraforming manifests. Did you see who all is going?”
“Well, clearly Cardy and I since we got the manifests,” Rizzo said.
“Did you see who your C.O. is going to be?” Sabrina smiled big.
“Oh, no. Not you.”
“Yes, me,” Sabrina’s happiness disappeared when her brother’s disapproval came. “I told you that this might happen but you didn’t care. You just had to follow Lisa Yates though.”
“Who’s Lisa Yates?” Cardy smiled, finally interested in one of Lester and Sabrina’s family squabbles.
“Nobody,” Rizzo snapped back.
“Lisa Yates is an old high school crush who works in the medical unit. Lester, here, applied when he dropped me off for my first day of work. He saw her and thought that maybe being on the same ship with her and 1,300 other people would make her love him.”
“So how is your relationship progressing?” Cardy asked.
“Right now, we’re at awkward passes in the corridor. I’m hoping in a couple of months that we can move up to awkward smiles and a ‘Hey’,” Rizzo said.
Sabrina chuckled. “I will see you two at Dock Number 3,” she left the room.
“I like your sister,” Cardy laughed.
“You want her? Take her.”
This was Rizzo’s third terraforming excursion but it was his first long-term excursion. His first was the Moon--a simple event that was hailed by numerous countries. Soon, he was sent to Pluto in a year-long event. Rizzo was then asked to do the Walbach Planetary Cluster, a triplet of planets in the habitable zone in the AA-20918 System. It was the furthest excursion that North American Civilization Administration commissioned but with the sparseness of habitable planets, they felt it was something they had to claim.
Cardy was a mechanic who mainly made sure that the vending machines and other machines that made life easier ran smoothly. Terraformers were required to have a mechanic with them just in case the ship they took broke down or the terraforming units died. No one wants a terraformer to be stranded on a desolate, inhospitable planet for the rest of their life.
Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina stood on the loading dock next to one of the personal ships, Blue Dwarf 2; Blue Dwarf 1 was currently getting its fluids changed. “Are we ready?” Sabrina asked.
“All the terraforming equipment is loaded into the Dwarf and Cardy’s tools are too,” Rizzo said. “Who’s piloting?”
“You can,” Sabrina offered. “But I have to ride passenger.”
“Just don’t criticize me. I am a much better driver than anyone give me credit for.”
“You drove the family car into a ditch,” Sabrina brought up.
“That was one time and everything was fine once the tow truck pulled the car out of the ditch,” Rizzo shouted.
“How did you drive a car into a ditch? You should’ve had your eyes on the road and ditches are so huge,” Cardy said.
“The car was a stick shift and this is a family argument,” Rizzo stormed off into Blue Dwarf. “Why do they even still make those kind of cars? They are an abomination…” he muttered, getting quieter and he walked into the cockpit.
Within minutes, Blue Dwarf was heading toward the cluster of planets while Ipomoea drifted silently along the rim of the system. “We have a problem, sir?” Capt. Fielding said, coming into Bonaparte’s cabin where he was monitoring Blue Dwarf’s voyage.
“We just started? What could possibly be wrong?”
“The Ipomoea is about to enter a wormhole,” Fielding said. “We’ve looked at trying to stop, turn around, and just avoid but there is no way we can do either of those things.”
“Why didn’t it show up on our monitors or scanners?” Bonaparte was furious but kept his cool.
“A wormhole gives off very little radiation or heat or light so unless you are very close, you can’t detect them. Also, wormholes are generally black and the thing about space is that it’s black, as are our monitors, so it’s really hard to see a wormhole,” Fielding tried explaining.
Bonaparte sighed. “So what do we do? Just fly head first into a wormhole?”
“That’s the only viable option. Best case scenario, nothing happens, everything turns out fine. Worst case scenario, the whole ship and everyone inside is ripped apart and scattered among millions of time periods and dimensions,” Fielding said matter-of-factly. “Should we tell the crew?”
The whole terraforming excursion took six hours and by the time Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina was returning to the Ipomoea, changes could be seen happening to each of the planets. Storms were clearing, fog was lifting. In about ten years, all three planets would be able to sustain life and be similar to Earth.
The Blue Dwarf landed softly on the loading dock and Rizzo, Cardy, and Sabrina got out and began walking across the dock. They noticed the small piles of ash on the floor but didn’t think anything of it. As they walked through the corridor they noticed more piles and how quiet it was.
“What’s going on?” Sabrina stopped walking and listened. “There is literally no noise on this ship. There’s also no talking.”
“It sounds like we’re in low-power mode,” Cardy said.
“Where is everybody?” Rizzo asked. He took his fingers and dipped them into a nearby pile of ash. He sniffed what got stuck to his fingers and licked them.
“Ah, you made it back safely,” an android began walking up to them.
“Robot-2? What’s going on?” Sabrina asked. Rizzo kept touching and eating the ash pile.
“Cpl. Rizzo, the Ipomoea had no choice to but to fly through a wormhole. While only seconds passed in this dimension, millions of years passed in the other one. The entire crew is now dead. Have been for millions of years,” Robot-2 explained.
“So where are all the bodies? And what’s this powder all over the ship?” Rizzo asked, taking another fingerful.
“The bodies all broke down into their basic chemical components over millions of years and became ash. That pile you’re eating is Second Navigator Trentus Ericksson,” Robot-2 said.
Rizzo began spitting and rubbing his fingers over his tongue in a panic.
“So we’re the last survivors on this ship? We’re the only ones alive?” Sabrina asked.
“I’m afraid so,” Robot-2 confirmed, sadly.
Sabrina looked at Cardy and Rizzo, who was still rubbing his tongue. “What are we going to do?”
I Hope It Becomes Like a Bob Hope Road Comedy
Amazing Spider-Man
I made a joke to myself yesterday that I hoped we would actually see Spidey and Ant-Man signing paperwork and being offered the additional insurance while at the rent-a-car place and today we pretty much get exactly that. Why we needed this little interlude I don't know but when I thought about it yesterday, it was just a joke. Just a joke.
Mallard Fillmore
I only read Mallard on Sundays now. Doing that has really cut back on my headaches.
I would stop raking my leafs but if I just leave them there--especially if it is after I stop mowing for the season, the leaves kill my grass and end up leaving barren patches of dirt in my lawn. The thing is, Bruce Tinsley doesn't need to write and draw and color an entire Sunday strip just to justify to himself or his neighbors why he's not going to rake his leaves anymore.
Mary Worth
Ugh. Finally, after months--possibly years--of flirting and innuendo, Iris and Tommy are going to kiss. The world thought their relationship was wrong, but it was the world that was wrong.
The Born Loser
I love strawberry-rhubarb pie...and I hate strawberries. Going by Brutus' jerkass tone and look in the fourth panel, he doesn't get any pie.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Tauy Creek Digest #25: Melvin & Helu
The white station wagon pulled into the driveway next to the giant moving truck. Mom and Dad got out of the car and Melvin, a dirty blond eight-year-old, soon followed from the backseat, carrying a stuffed brown bear. "Well, we're home," Mom said, smiling and putting her hand on Melvin's head. "Dad's unlocking the door if you want to head inside and figure out how you want your room."
Dad unlocked the door and then went to the moving van where two guys were getting out of the cab. Melvin went into the house, a blast of cold air hitting him. He went upstair to the room he had chosen as his own. He sat his stuffed bear on the floor and went over to the windows in the corner of the room.
"It's a nice room," a voice behind Melvin said. "It'll be better once your bed and other things get in here."
Melvin turned to the voice. His stuffed bear was now a 750 pound, four and a half foot tall brown bear. "I know, Helu. I worry about the floor though in a two-story house what with your size and all."
"Well, I have been eating more," Helu chuckled and patted his stomach. "You want to explore the neighborhood or something. Get out of the way of the movers?" he asked as he heard the movers grunted up the stairs. Helu reverted back to a stuffed animal and Melvin picked him up, waited for the movers to pass by and then went down the stairs.
"Helu and I are going to explore the neighborhood," Melvin said to Mom and Dad.
"Okay. Check in in a couple of hours. Be safe," Dad said.
As they got away from the parents, Helu was back to being a full grown bear, walking next to Melvin on all four legs. "I wonder if there are any other kids on this block," Melvin questioned out loud.
"More than likely. This seems like a neighborhood that won't let you live here unless you have at least 2.5 children," Helu said.
"Don't remind me. Why would Mom and Dad want another kid? I should be all they need."
Helu rolled his eyes. "Oh, I know."
The two of them heard a loud gasp. "You have a bear, too!" a voice squealed with delight.
Melvin looked down into his left arm where Helu had reverted back to his stuffed animal persona. He then looked back at the girl, maybe a year or two younger than him, who was playing with a stuffed panda and a kids table with a couple other dolls in the chairs. The girl grabbed her panda and ran up to Melvin.
"I have a panda. What kind of bear do you have?"
Melvin was confused. "A brown bear. A Kodiak bear."
"Ooo. My panda is named Mrs. Precious Panda. I just call her Mrs. Precious. What's your bear's name?"
"That's a strange name. I'd call him Mr. Brownie Bear. My name is Peggy Paulen. What's yours."
"That's a strange name. We should play Bear House. We can have Mrs. Precious and Mr. Brownie get married and raise children."
"Yeah, maybe. Or not."
"I've never seen you before. Did you just move here?"
"Yeah, I live..." Melvin started to point to his house but stopped himself. "Yeah."
"Cool. I'll see you around then. And you, Mr. Brownie Bear," Peggy cooed at Helu, in Melvin's arm.
Peggy bounded off, grabbed Mrs. Precious Panda, and went inside her house. She waved at Melvin and Helu before closing the screen door.
"If her name is Mrs. Precious Panda, wouldn't that mean she's already married?" Helu asked.
"She's a six-year-old girl, don't think too much about it," Melvin said.
"Maybe we could do, like, a tea party or something," Helu said. The two of them had started walking again down the street again.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm just trying to be polite. She seemed nice and she was friendly. The least we could do is be friendly back."
"You are too nice sometimes, Helu. Where do you get that from?"
"Clearly not you," Helu sighed. "Did you notice that Mrs. Precious Panda had only one eye? The other was just a button sewn onto her."
"Probably lost it during the war," Melvin said. "Are you having second thoughts about tea now that you know Mrs. Precious Panda is deformed?"
"No, but it does make you wonder what happened. What did Peggy do to her?"
"Same thing that happens to a lot of stuffed animals. They get loved too much," Melvin looked at Helu and smiled. "Come on. Let's see if there are any lizards in that creek, Mr. Brownie Bear." Melvin and Helu ran off down the street toward a small creek that ran between the houses in the neighborhood.
Dad unlocked the door and then went to the moving van where two guys were getting out of the cab. Melvin went into the house, a blast of cold air hitting him. He went upstair to the room he had chosen as his own. He sat his stuffed bear on the floor and went over to the windows in the corner of the room.
"It's a nice room," a voice behind Melvin said. "It'll be better once your bed and other things get in here."
Melvin turned to the voice. His stuffed bear was now a 750 pound, four and a half foot tall brown bear. "I know, Helu. I worry about the floor though in a two-story house what with your size and all."
"Well, I have been eating more," Helu chuckled and patted his stomach. "You want to explore the neighborhood or something. Get out of the way of the movers?" he asked as he heard the movers grunted up the stairs. Helu reverted back to a stuffed animal and Melvin picked him up, waited for the movers to pass by and then went down the stairs.
"Helu and I are going to explore the neighborhood," Melvin said to Mom and Dad.
"Okay. Check in in a couple of hours. Be safe," Dad said.
As they got away from the parents, Helu was back to being a full grown bear, walking next to Melvin on all four legs. "I wonder if there are any other kids on this block," Melvin questioned out loud.
"More than likely. This seems like a neighborhood that won't let you live here unless you have at least 2.5 children," Helu said.
"Don't remind me. Why would Mom and Dad want another kid? I should be all they need."
Helu rolled his eyes. "Oh, I know."
The two of them heard a loud gasp. "You have a bear, too!" a voice squealed with delight.
Melvin looked down into his left arm where Helu had reverted back to his stuffed animal persona. He then looked back at the girl, maybe a year or two younger than him, who was playing with a stuffed panda and a kids table with a couple other dolls in the chairs. The girl grabbed her panda and ran up to Melvin.
"I have a panda. What kind of bear do you have?"
Melvin was confused. "A brown bear. A Kodiak bear."
"Ooo. My panda is named Mrs. Precious Panda. I just call her Mrs. Precious. What's your bear's name?"
"That's a strange name. I'd call him Mr. Brownie Bear. My name is Peggy Paulen. What's yours."
"That's a strange name. We should play Bear House. We can have Mrs. Precious and Mr. Brownie get married and raise children."
"Yeah, maybe. Or not."
"I've never seen you before. Did you just move here?"
"Yeah, I live..." Melvin started to point to his house but stopped himself. "Yeah."
"Cool. I'll see you around then. And you, Mr. Brownie Bear," Peggy cooed at Helu, in Melvin's arm.
Peggy bounded off, grabbed Mrs. Precious Panda, and went inside her house. She waved at Melvin and Helu before closing the screen door.
"If her name is Mrs. Precious Panda, wouldn't that mean she's already married?" Helu asked.
"She's a six-year-old girl, don't think too much about it," Melvin said.
"Maybe we could do, like, a tea party or something," Helu said. The two of them had started walking again down the street again.
"Are you serious?"
"I'm just trying to be polite. She seemed nice and she was friendly. The least we could do is be friendly back."
"You are too nice sometimes, Helu. Where do you get that from?"
"Clearly not you," Helu sighed. "Did you notice that Mrs. Precious Panda had only one eye? The other was just a button sewn onto her."
"Probably lost it during the war," Melvin said. "Are you having second thoughts about tea now that you know Mrs. Precious Panda is deformed?"
"No, but it does make you wonder what happened. What did Peggy do to her?"
"Same thing that happens to a lot of stuffed animals. They get loved too much," Melvin looked at Helu and smiled. "Come on. Let's see if there are any lizards in that creek, Mr. Brownie Bear." Melvin and Helu ran off down the street toward a small creek that ran between the houses in the neighborhood.
Two Comic Saturday
Ooh, I can't wait until the trolls really start giving her the business. Seeing this old woman read comments like "I'm going to rape and slit the throats of your cats" will be the saddest but yet most believable thing to happen in a Tom Batiuk comic in years.
Gasoline Alley
I get that this is a family strip and I don't think you can print the word 'penis' in a comic strip and many people don't want to see that word as they are eating their Froot Loops early in the morning but just tell your kid about the differences in boys and girls.
Although to be fair, it looks like Boog looks like he knows the score and was just trying to get his mom to 'penis' or 'vagina'. It didn't work this time, darn it.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
The First Six People Had the Same Reaction
For those who have been living under a rock for the last century or haven't been born yet, Peggy and Lee are named for singer Peggy Lee who did the voice(s) for twin Siamese Cats Si and Am in the Disney animated feature Lady and the Tramp. So it's like a double honor. But I'm really just posting this strip so I can post pictures of my local bookstore's cats.
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Dashiell, named for Dashiell Hammett |
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and Ngaio, named for Ngaio Marsh. |
There are TWO Dagwood Bumsteads in this world? That seems highly unlikely.
The Lockhorns
This is the seventh person Leroy had told his "joke" to.
U.S. Acres
U.S. Acres tends to use the same four or five jokes: falling off a cliff, Roy's a jerk, Lanolin's a bitch, Wade's a pussy, and sign jokes. Why is Booker freaking out at the sign "yelling" at him? This happens a lot in U.S. Acres as well. U.S. Acres is a very lazy comic strip. Of course, I would do badly at my job too if I got hired at PAWS, Inc. but ended up writing and/or drawing U.S. Acres instead of something to do with Garfield.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Sometimes Ballets Have a Lot of Sexual Innuendo
Well, screw you too. Nobody has anything to say in this comic strip either. For more nothing, check out Tom Batiuk's blog.
I love that Tom Armstrong had to put a sign that was pointing to him just to make sure readers understood that he was the creator/artist. I don't know why we had to have the creator make an appearance instead of just ending with the other kids' exclamation of "WHAT?!!". I think readers would've understood.
Girlfriend: "Isn't this just so beautiful?"
Shoe: "When...When are they going to get naked?"
Girlfriend: "...They're not."
Shoe: ...
Shoe: "I'm gonna try to get our money back."
Monday, September 19, 2016
Maybe He'll Die of Cancer Soon
Funky Winkerbean
Goddamnit. People toil for years either sending the manuscript after manuscript only to see it be rejected or posting inane, pseudo-comedic garbage about comic strips and writing ongoing written serials or both and getting nowhere. But some idiotic in a TV show, movie, comic strip, whatever puts in the least amount of work necessary and gets the job of a lifetime. Weren't we just talking about suing this jackass? Let's go back to that.
Family Circus
I often wonder if, when Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again, he's talking about The Family Circus because this panel, right here, is everything that is wrong with our country.
Sally Forth
I honestly wish we were still on Sally and Ted's marriage crumbling without Hilary around. That was a fun week.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Liberty #63: A Whisky Murder
Written by T.A. McNeal; originally published in "When Kansas Was Young", 1922. Capper Publications.
Medicine Lodge never acquired the reputation of being a wild and wooly town in the sense that that name attached to Dodge City, or Wichita in its early days, or Newton or Abeline when they were the end of the Texas cattle drive, or Caldwell or Hunnewell in the days of their pristine glory. Before the railroad reached Medicine Lodge, the day of the cattle drive was passed, and while a bad man occasionally sojourned there for a night, or maybe a week, there was no congregation of killers. Medicine Lodge never had a dance hall such as flourished in each of the other towns, when they were the objectives of of the vast plains of Texas on their ways to the markets of the North and East.
Still there were some tragedies, and this story relates to one which I think had something to do with the fact that in the election of 1880 this frontier county gave a majority for the prohibitory amendment to our state constitution. While there was not so much of it sold as in some of the towns, the quality of the whisky sold in Medicine Lodge was as bad as the worst. I have known men who were ordinarily quiet and peaceable when sober, after imbibing a few drinks of the beverage, to go stark mad for the time being and become more dangerous than Bengal tigers. I know a most reputable man, kindly, law-abiding and in every way a model citizen for many years past, who confesses that he shudders when he thinks of how near he came to being a murderer when crazed by a few drinks of border drug store whisky. But that is another story.
One May day in 1879 a country boy, perhaps nineteen or twenty years of age, rode into town. John Garten had not been known as a "bad man". He was just an ordinary, gawky, green country boy, who had reached the age when he probably thought it would be smart to show off and also an indication of manly quality to fill his hide with drink. It was probably this ambition, rather than any confirmed appetite for liquor, that caused him to take on several drinks. Probably at that, nothing serious would have happened if he had not been filled with another ambition, and that was to carry a gun and acquire the ability to draw and shoot like one of the gun fighters he had heard about.
It was along toward evening of the long beautiful day in the latter part of May, that young Garten mounted his horse, probably at the suggestion of the town marshal, and rode out of town, emitting a few "whoops" as he rode. A few miles west of the Lodge, at a crossing of one of the little tributaries of the Medicine, he overtook two women, a mother and her daughter. They stepped to the side of the road to let him pass. He rode past them a few rods and then with a drunken howl pulled his pistol from its holster and fired two shots in the direction of the women. With a cry of anguish the younger woman, Mrs. Steadman, fell mortally wounded. It is quite possible that young Garten did know know that he had hit either woman, for hte rode on without further looking backwards, stopped at the ranch where he had been working, unsaddled his horse and made no effort to escape. He expressed great surprise when a few hours afterward the tall, gaunt frontier sheriff rode up to the ranch house and said quietly, "John, I want you for murder."
Garten protested that he had just intended to give the women a scare and didn't suppose he had hit either one of them, and quite probably he was telling the truth. The murder aroused a storm of indignation when young Garten was brought into town. An inoffensive, popular young woman had been shot down without any provocation and there was talk of the law of the border. There were mutterings of vengeance and knots of men gathered and conversed in low earnest tones, more dangerous than loud threats or bluster. A few hours afterward the big, lank weatherbeaten sheriff with the prisoner in charge, rode away through the moonless night to the northward and put Garten for safe keeping in the Rice County jail to await his trial. In those days there were only two terms of court in Barber County and before the time for Garten's trial he escaped from jail and, it was believed, fled to the mountains of New Mexico.
The father of the murdered woman was a lean, powerful man by the name of Champion, a typical frontiersman. I think he had come originally from the mountains of Kentucky or Tennesse and if so was born to believe in the doctrine of the blood avenger. Sparing of speech and stern of face, Champion made little demonstration of his grief, though it was understood that he possessed a quiet and deep affection for his children.
When the news came that Garten had broken jail, Champion said nothing, but those who were in his confidence knew that he had gone to New Mexico. For almost a year nothing was heard from him, but there was a persistent rumor that he was playing the part of the avenger of blood; that he had gone on a relentless, tireless man hunt for the slayer of his first born.
Finally he returned. He said nothing for publication, but there was the look on his face of a man who had accomplished his task and fulfilled the old law, the law still of the mountains, an eye for an eye, a life for a life. No one outside of Champion and his few confidants knew what had been the result of that long year's hunt through the mountains and over the burning desert sands, but Garten was never found by the authorities or returned for trial.
Those who knew the boy never believed that he was a willful and deliberate murderer. His crime was the direct result of the villainous liquor that was sold in the frontier town. At the next election the question was up to amend the constitution so as to make the sale of whisky as a beverage forever unlawful. The rough bearded men riding the range, with ample time to meditate as they rode, considered the case of the boy Garten, the murdered woman, the lean-faced, stern, unsmiling close-lipped frontiersman on his lonely vigils in the mountains, searching with indomitable will and marvelous patience for the man he meant to kill. They considered and voted for prohibition.
Medicine Lodge never acquired the reputation of being a wild and wooly town in the sense that that name attached to Dodge City, or Wichita in its early days, or Newton or Abeline when they were the end of the Texas cattle drive, or Caldwell or Hunnewell in the days of their pristine glory. Before the railroad reached Medicine Lodge, the day of the cattle drive was passed, and while a bad man occasionally sojourned there for a night, or maybe a week, there was no congregation of killers. Medicine Lodge never had a dance hall such as flourished in each of the other towns, when they were the objectives of of the vast plains of Texas on their ways to the markets of the North and East.
Still there were some tragedies, and this story relates to one which I think had something to do with the fact that in the election of 1880 this frontier county gave a majority for the prohibitory amendment to our state constitution. While there was not so much of it sold as in some of the towns, the quality of the whisky sold in Medicine Lodge was as bad as the worst. I have known men who were ordinarily quiet and peaceable when sober, after imbibing a few drinks of the beverage, to go stark mad for the time being and become more dangerous than Bengal tigers. I know a most reputable man, kindly, law-abiding and in every way a model citizen for many years past, who confesses that he shudders when he thinks of how near he came to being a murderer when crazed by a few drinks of border drug store whisky. But that is another story.
One May day in 1879 a country boy, perhaps nineteen or twenty years of age, rode into town. John Garten had not been known as a "bad man". He was just an ordinary, gawky, green country boy, who had reached the age when he probably thought it would be smart to show off and also an indication of manly quality to fill his hide with drink. It was probably this ambition, rather than any confirmed appetite for liquor, that caused him to take on several drinks. Probably at that, nothing serious would have happened if he had not been filled with another ambition, and that was to carry a gun and acquire the ability to draw and shoot like one of the gun fighters he had heard about.
It was along toward evening of the long beautiful day in the latter part of May, that young Garten mounted his horse, probably at the suggestion of the town marshal, and rode out of town, emitting a few "whoops" as he rode. A few miles west of the Lodge, at a crossing of one of the little tributaries of the Medicine, he overtook two women, a mother and her daughter. They stepped to the side of the road to let him pass. He rode past them a few rods and then with a drunken howl pulled his pistol from its holster and fired two shots in the direction of the women. With a cry of anguish the younger woman, Mrs. Steadman, fell mortally wounded. It is quite possible that young Garten did know know that he had hit either woman, for hte rode on without further looking backwards, stopped at the ranch where he had been working, unsaddled his horse and made no effort to escape. He expressed great surprise when a few hours afterward the tall, gaunt frontier sheriff rode up to the ranch house and said quietly, "John, I want you for murder."
Garten protested that he had just intended to give the women a scare and didn't suppose he had hit either one of them, and quite probably he was telling the truth. The murder aroused a storm of indignation when young Garten was brought into town. An inoffensive, popular young woman had been shot down without any provocation and there was talk of the law of the border. There were mutterings of vengeance and knots of men gathered and conversed in low earnest tones, more dangerous than loud threats or bluster. A few hours afterward the big, lank weatherbeaten sheriff with the prisoner in charge, rode away through the moonless night to the northward and put Garten for safe keeping in the Rice County jail to await his trial. In those days there were only two terms of court in Barber County and before the time for Garten's trial he escaped from jail and, it was believed, fled to the mountains of New Mexico.
The father of the murdered woman was a lean, powerful man by the name of Champion, a typical frontiersman. I think he had come originally from the mountains of Kentucky or Tennesse and if so was born to believe in the doctrine of the blood avenger. Sparing of speech and stern of face, Champion made little demonstration of his grief, though it was understood that he possessed a quiet and deep affection for his children.
When the news came that Garten had broken jail, Champion said nothing, but those who were in his confidence knew that he had gone to New Mexico. For almost a year nothing was heard from him, but there was a persistent rumor that he was playing the part of the avenger of blood; that he had gone on a relentless, tireless man hunt for the slayer of his first born.
Finally he returned. He said nothing for publication, but there was the look on his face of a man who had accomplished his task and fulfilled the old law, the law still of the mountains, an eye for an eye, a life for a life. No one outside of Champion and his few confidants knew what had been the result of that long year's hunt through the mountains and over the burning desert sands, but Garten was never found by the authorities or returned for trial.
Those who knew the boy never believed that he was a willful and deliberate murderer. His crime was the direct result of the villainous liquor that was sold in the frontier town. At the next election the question was up to amend the constitution so as to make the sale of whisky as a beverage forever unlawful. The rough bearded men riding the range, with ample time to meditate as they rode, considered the case of the boy Garten, the murdered woman, the lean-faced, stern, unsmiling close-lipped frontiersman on his lonely vigils in the mountains, searching with indomitable will and marvelous patience for the man he meant to kill. They considered and voted for prohibition.
So Much Hepatitis
So no one thinks it's odd that there's just a giant bag labelled "secrets" sitting in the open for anyone to notice and take?
Slylock Fox and Comics For Kids
Clearly on the brink of animals overthrowing human rule, Slylock attempts to rid the world of one more human by throwing a spare tire at him in an "effort" to rescue him knowing any weight on it would cause the tire to sink like a stone. Slylock then shows even more discrimination to the human by taking his radio and cell phone and setting the car on fire.
panels from Hi and Lois
I've seen a lot of throwaway panels but I think these are the most throwaway-iest.
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