Saturday, February 15, 2025

Timothy and the Robot

The mere fact you call your comic "Pop-Pop" tells me you aren't ready to have a comic. 

"Timothy and the Robot" Pop-Pop Comics #1 (R.B. Leffingwell, ca. 1945)
Story and art by the Jason Comic Art Studio

Tired of being chased by a hungry wolf, Timothy Rabbit, an inventor, builds a robot to fight back. The robot plays a very small role in this story despite being second billed. It's also strange that Timothy didn't exactly need the robot as he handles the wolf just fine.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Super Bowl Licks

Folks, it is time for me to take one of my week-long breaks to get caught up on writing, do some house maintenance, and make plans for new future posts. Before I go I have today's Sunday comics for you and a link to yesterday's post on Agnes Lawrence. Be good to each other, unless they are a Nazi supporter. You know what I'm talking about. There's only one political party current degrading several groups of people and allowing an unelected, unvetted by Congress South African immigrant to go through private government records. Contact your Congresspeople and check in on your minority friends and neighbors. It's a coup! If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.

Brutus is angrily dialing and talking on the telephone. "Hello, Leonard Birdshot, the tailor," someone answers. "You people lost a blazer I had dropped off for some alterations. And now you send me a bill for the alterations!" Brutus complains. "Certainly. The alterations were made before we lost the blazer," the man responds. Brutus agrees and hangs up, the confusion washing over him slowly.
September 28, 1986
Brutus gave up way too easily. Time to call Leonard Birdshot, the tailor, back and say you are not going to pay.

Leonard is probably wearing the blazer as we speak...

"I'm really excited to watch the big game," Brutus begins. "I want to watch the Super Bowl with you," Gladys says. "Great! We'll start watching it at 7:30!" Brutus says. "7:30? But I heard the kickoff is at 6:30," Gladys replies, knowing when kickoff is yet never watched before. "It is, but I'm going to record the whole game on the DVR and we'll start watching it at 7:30. That way, we can see the entire game and fast-forward through the commercials," Brutus explains. "Skip the commercials? But that's the only part of the Super Bowl I want to see!" Gladys reveals.
Why is she saying this like she's never watched the Super Bowl before? Because she has and apparently first started watching it back in 2019 (apologies for the Arjon story). Commercials are all Gladys has ever wanted to watch. I looked back and found that Brutus is not a fan of the commercials and just watches for the game.

I can't imagine watching a sports ball games with someone that records and is constantly going back, forward, and pausing to offer their own opinion on what's going on.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

He's Fine

A man is at the front of the checkout line at the grocery store. A woman comes up to him and asks "May I go ahead of you? I only have one item," and he agrees. The checker whispers to her manager "This is it, Mr. Varvel." As the woman steps up to the register, Mr. Varvel exclaims "Congratulations, madam! As our 10,000th customer you get $100 worth of groceries and a free trip to Europe!"
March 14, 1966
Remember kids, never do anything nice for no one!

Are there any stores that still honor some random number with free stuff or a trip? Maybe local stores do but clearly your local Kroger isn't. $100 of free groceries? She'll be able to buy three dozen eggs!

I love the tiny carts and that she dropped the one thing she was purchasing.

Gladys and Wilberforce walk in where Brutus is sitting in his green chair reading a newspaper. "We're back!" she exclaims. "What did the doctor say is wrong with Wilberforce?" Brutus asked. "The doctor he has a rhinovirus," Gladys replies. "And I haven't been to the zoo in months," Wilberforce says, oddly gesticulating with his hands.
Now she's dressed like it's freezing cold outside.

I don't believe the doctor phrased it like that at all. He has a cold. Why'd you even take him to the doctor for a cold?

And what's with Wilberforce's hands in the last panel?
Bobby Hill with his shorts pulled up to his chest, his arms outstretched with the caption "What are you talking about?"

Agnes Lawrence

"Miss Agnes Lawrence, an unusually attractive and pretty girl, who was employed as a nurse in Stormont hospital, committed suicide between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. last evening, by drinking two ounces of carbolic acid. The only explanation of the suicide was an unsigned note left by the girl which read: '𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏.'" -Topeka State Journal, July 30, 1909.

Agnes Lawrence was only 16 and had worked at Stormont only six months. She was discovered on the floor of her room on the third floor after her shift with the note and bottle of acid lying next to her.

On June 1, 1908, she enrolled in Christ's Hospital. She was dismissed after four months, returned home to Perry, then entered Stormont's program. Both programs require girls to be at least 20, which Agnes claimed to be despite only being 15.

Agnes was born to Louis and Eva Lawrence in Lees Summit, Missouri on March 6, 1893. According to the 1900 Census, the family lived in St. Louis, Missouri, and Agnes had a brother, Louis, and sister, Essie. Neither doctors and nurses at Christ's Hospital or Stormont nor Agnes' mother could fully explain why Agnes committed suicide and the identity of the man is unknown.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or emotional distress, please contact the National Suicide Lifeline at 988.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Man's Luxurious Hubris

A woman hits a golf ball and it hits a tree, bounces back on another tree, and bounces on the ground several times before rolling into the hole. "Like that, dear?" she asks her surprised husband standing next to her.
March 12, 1966
Thing is, she couldn't do that again if she tried.

I don't see how the ball could hit that tree and then practically go straight up, but what do I know? I don't really know physics.

Gladys is walking in wearing a beret, sweater and gray pants (sweatpants?) while Brutus is in his green chair with his feet up. "Dolores gave me a ride in her new car. Would you believe it has a heated steering wheel? Wouldn't it be on really cold days like this? Could we have one installed in our car?" Gladys asks. "No, but I'll buy you a pair of thermal gloves," Brutus responds.
Dolores and Gladys. I'm not gonna judge that team until I see a spec script. Do we have to keep the beret though?

I'm pretty sure if you installed a heated steering wheel on your 2014 whatever you have, the car would explode.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Thursday Quickies

Two paramedics carry out a bleeding man on stretcher. Meanwhile, on stage, a group of actors are on standing around. The director talks to a big man holding a gun and standing next to a smaller man. "Thornapple here will play the role of Lord Covington, Stanley. We'll redo the shooting scene and this time, we'll make sure you use blanks this time."
March 11, 1966
You should've made sure in the first place, or not used a real gun at all, cuz even blanks could cause damage.

Is the original Lord Covington actor ok? I see he's dripping blood as he's being carried away...

Veeblefester and Brutus stand awkwardly close to each other with Veeblefester's arm on Brutus' shoulders. "The first time I met you, I thought there must be more to you than meets the eye," Veeblefester says. "Really, Chief? And what conclusion did you come to?" "That there's even less."
If my boss ever did this to me (the arm on the shoulder, not saying that I suck) I'd quit.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Can't Even Let Him Compliment Her Daughter

In a dilapidated apartment building, an ugly man with a big nose that slopes into his bald head, counts numerous piles of money while he listens to the radio. Over the radio, an announcer says "...The victimized bank teller, however, described the robber as "the ugliest man I've ever seen" and added "I wish he had worn a mask!" The ugly man angrily looks at the radio. "So next time I'll send Cary Grant!"
March 10, 1966
Could a mask fit over that nose? I don't care. I hope he gets away with it. Seems like he will. "Yeah, he's ugly, but I don't think I can describe him."

Brutus, Gladys, and Mother Gargle are at the dinner table. Gladys and Mother Gargle are still sitting but Brutus has stood up. "My compliments on your homemade macaroni and cheese, Gladys. It really sticks to my ribs," Brutus says. Mother Gargle snarls "Looks like it sticks a little lower than that."
"That reminds me, speaking of sticking to ribs..." and then Brutus stabs Mother Gargle between the ribs with a knife. I'm glad they locked Wilberforce in his room for dinner tonight so he wouldn't see such violence.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Back Up Could Also Be a Bathroom Thing

A woman on a small motorboat holds a waterski rope and handle while talking to another guy who is on a sailboat. "If you're heading out, will you look for a little mustached man on water skiis with nobody towing him?"
March 9, 1966
"Sure, ma'am, but he's probably dead by now. Skis don't really keep your balance when you're not moving and make it harder to tread water. But I'll keep my eyes peeled. Sorry for your loss."

Why is she asking some random sailor and not someone that can do something like the police, or harbor patrol, or the Coast Guard. I mean, I'd hate having to go to the Coast Guard for something, but I know other people don't have a vendetta against them.

Brutus walks in and Veeblefester is standing right there at the door. I don't know if it's Brutus' office or a break room, or if the entrances to Veeblefester Inc. has simple wooden doors. "Sorry I'm later, Chief, but I couldn't help it. I drove to work and there was a huge backup coming in." "Traffic on the freeway?" Veeblefester asks. "No, the line at the donut shop drive-thru."
Okay. And where are these donuts? If you are going to use them as an excuse why you're late, then there needs to be some donuts for me.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Excite Is Such a Strong Word

A man is overdramatically running away in fear with his arms covering his head from a boomerang that has boomeranged back on him.
March 8, 1966
I vaguely remember an old friend of mine having a boomerang when we were kids. I think I saw it once, it did not return, and I never saw it again. I'm sure having a non-returning boomerang was a real kick in the butt to our childhood because why would cartoons lie to us, but non-returning boomerangs exist and mainly just used to wallop people and things. Since this boomerang is curved, it seems to be a returning boomerang, but one could argue that this man is being hunted for sport.

Brutus is sitting in his green chair in front of the TV while Gladys stands next to him, clearly bored of this life. Brutus is thrilled, however. "Look, Gladys! They are showing our ball team's equipment truck leaving for spring training. You know what this means, don't you? Baseball season is right around the corner. Doesn't that excite you?" "I'm absolutely giddy," Gladys sighs.
I'm thrilled. Baseball is my favorite of the sports I hate.

Why is the news(?) showing the equipment leaving? Is there demand for that? I know the country is on fire right now what with the coup of an unelected South African billionaire and his gaggle of half-pint sidekicks, but the equipment, not the actual team, on their way to Goodyear, Arizona is not even "feel-good news".

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Using "January First" Instead of "January 1st" Almost Broke Me

Mother Gargle is sitting down and watching TV. Seriously, it takes three panels just showing her watching TV. She finally says "Smut, smut, smut. Why do people insist on watching this drivel?" and she goes back to watching TV.
September 21, 1986
Well, to be fair, it's 1986 and smut and drivel are the only things on TV. I don't have the heart to tell Mother Gargle what's going to be premiering in 6 months, but the Thornapples probably don't get FOX yet anyway.

Brutus and Arnie are walking down the sidewalk with a good couple of feet of snow on the ground. "It sure is cold out today," Brutus says. "Mm-hmm," Arnie answers. "Want to stop by my place for a nice hot chocolate?" "Sure, but I'll have a hot tea instead," Brutus replies. "A hot tea?" "Yeah, I just started my New Year's resolution diet." "You just made your New Year's resolution now? Shouldn't you have made it at the start of the new year?" Arnie asks. "I made it January 1st, but I keep breaking it and have to re-resolve it."
If you just casually glance at today's comic, it kind of looks like Brutus and Arnie are holding hands and I think that's neat.

Would hot chocolate really hurt his diet that much?

And why did Brutus and Arnie switch places in between the last panels?

We took a look at Action Comics #579 by Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficer, Keith Giffen, and Bob Oskner and definitely not guest-starring characters from Asterix. If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Times They Are A-Changing...

A sailor is sitting at a lunch counter holding a hot dog and a cup of coffee. A beautiful woman walks in and sits down beside him. He looks over at her and begins vibrating with sexual attraction, spilling his coffee and squeezing his hot dog (not *that* hot dog you pervs) so that the hot dog flies out of the bun hitting the proto-Brutus sitting beside him.
March 7, 1966

If you squeeze the hot dog from the middle, how does it squirt out like that? And why is he holding it like that anyway? He's holding it like a hamburger.

"No, all the books have been banned, because when you really look into them, every book has something someone doesn't like."

Libraries have had computers for decades. My school got a computer for the library in 1989, I think. You could play "Oregon Trail", "Number Munchers", or some word or typing game I can't remember or find online right now. You got 20 minutes every month with a second person to play.

1986 A.D. to CCLIII A.D.

My first experience with Keith Giffen, who passed away in 2023 at age 70, was this issue, Action Comics #579 (May 1986).

Written by Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier with art by Keith Giffen and Bob Oksner, this was also my first experience with the French-Belgian comic book series "Asterix", although all the names were changed to soundalikes so it's not quite "Asterix".

After stopping thieves from stealing a shield, although it does shatter, Superman and Jimmy Olsen are pulled back in time to 253 A.D. and a small village of indomitable Gauls. Jimmy ends up in the Gaul village while Superman ends up with the Romans, who give him a potion so he will fight with them. When Superman is finally snapped out of his spell, he brings peace to the Gauls and Romans by forcing the Roman warlock to admit that the Roman Empire fell a century so ago. The end.

Friday, January 31, 2025

And It's the First Part of a Trilogy

A man with a bow and quiver runs away screaming from a man with a gun who he must've accidentally shot in the butt with an arrow.
March 5, 1966
I guess the archer (dressed as Temu Robin Hood) shot the hunter in the butt with one of his arrows. Why is that tree so prominent? Was the hunter dressed as a tree? I wonder if the joke worked better when originally printed and not now nearly 60 years older and copied and scanned to be posted online.

Brutus and Gladys are sitting down and watching TV. Brutus is sitting, you know where. "I read the listing for this movie and I don't want to watch it now," Brutus says. "Why? What's it about?" Gladys asks. "About three hours and I don't want to stay up that late."
Same, really, but most movies are nearly three hours, it seems.

With some exceptions, if you can't tell a story within 100 minutes then you have no business making a movie. I'm gonna go crawl back into my old man cave now muttering about the music the kids these days listen to.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Is That Desk Just In the Middle of the Room?

A boy in a winter coat and hat and carrying a bindle is walking away in the night. He sees something behind him and begins running. "You just can't stand to lose that $600 deduction can you?!" the boy screams as his father drags him back to the house.
March 4, 1966
I find it funny seeing a kid basically scream "I'm nothing but a tax deduction to you!", but let me tell you kids something: $600 a year ($2000 in today's money) is absolutely not enough to justify having a kid. That money covers basically nothing of what it costs to take care of you.

Gladys is sitting at a desk--an old one kind of like a secretary, and is writing something with a cup of coffee next to her. Brutus stands behind the secretary leaning on it with one arm. "My resolution was to start journaling. They say it can ease anxiety," Gladys says. "I see you have a new notebook at hand. Is your anxiety any better?" Brutus asks. "I haven't written anything in my journal yet. I think my anxiety has given me writer's block."
I tried to do some journaling last year. I didn't like it. It didn't make me feel better or like I was figuring something out. It made me feel depressed so I stopped.

If she's not journaling, then what is she writing? Enemies list?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Kansas Day Quickies

A couple, a man and a woman in case it wasn't obvious since it's 1966, are making out in the woods with her in his lap. The panel zooms out revealing a smoldering fire and Smokey the Bear holding a bucket of sand. "Go away!" the man yells at Smokey.
March 3, 1966
This is how the fires in California started!

Brutus is angrily sitting in his green chair as Gladys leans on the back looking down on him. "Don't let what mother said get you down, Brutus. She's the type who when she has something on her mind she says it," Gladys says. "She's also the type that when she has nothing on her mind, she says it," Brutus retorts.
I don't understand why someone who treats you like crap and doesn't respect you would be allowed in your house. If anything, I'll be out. I'll be back when your mother is gone.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday Quickies

A man and a woman are walking down the street by moonlight. She looks behind them and then asks "Harvey, why don't you cast a shadow?"
March 2, 1966
Vampire, maybe? They don't cast shadows do they? According to some cultures, lack of a shadow means the lack of a soul. Maybe he's like Peter Pan?

Brutus is standing in Veeblefester's office. Veeblefester is sitting at his desk which has a big sack of money on it. "Due to your disastrous performance on your last sales call, I need to rein you in. From now on I want you to call me on the phone before making any decisions. Consider it a new leash on life at the company."
You could also, you know, just fire him. Maybe good help really is hard to find.

Is anyone else noticing the discoloration on Veeblefester's face and the back of Brutus' head?

Monday, January 27, 2025

Loser On all Fronts

"See here, Mr. Quit, I demand a $10 Smith, or I raise!" screams Thornapple at his boss, Mr. Smith. "Care to try that again?" Mr. Smith sneers as Thornapple vibrates with embarrassment. Thornapple begins to leave the office. "Oh, and Thornapple, don't stumble over the..." Thornapple has indeed stumbled over the watercooler just outside the office spilling water all over and hurting his pride even more.
March 1, 1966
Oh, good lord! My precious watercooler! Is it okay? Do we have more water to put in it? Get out of the way! I'll carefully and lovingly stand it back up.

Thornapple must stumble over the watercooler a lot considering Mr. Quit Smith tried to warn him about it.

Is that $10 an hour, which would be a good raise, or $10 a year, which would be an 83¢ per month raise?

Brutus and Arnie are at work standing in front of the watercooler. "Hey, you look like you've lost some weight, Thorny. Are you on a new diet?" "Yeah, Gladys finally came up with something that works...A timer lock on the refrigerator door."
Ok. But what about the cabinets? All my crappy food is in the pantry corner, in cabinets, or on the counter. Maybe the Thornapples refrigerate everything even if it doesn't need it.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

White People

Brutus walks up to Veeblefester, who is standing next to the watercooler. "You look worried..." he says. "Something bothering you?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Veeblefester sighs. "Try me." "No." "Hey, maybe I can help." "Oh, very well. That raise you've pestered me for...It's yours!" "I don't believe it!" Brutus exclaims excitedly." Veeblefester takes a drink of water. "I wouldn't either..."
September 14, 1986
Is the same raise Brutus was kicking his telephone over last week? Is Veeblefester standing next to the water cooler like a commoner? That I don't believe.

Brutus walks up to Gladys in the kitchen. "What are you up to, Gladys?" "Remember when I said I wanted to paint the kitchen white? Well, I decided to pick out some paint chips to select the perfect shade of white, so I can get started. I'd like you to weigh in with your preferences of these paint samples," Gladys holds up paint chips that are all basically the same shade of white. "Here's Ahab's Whale White, Surrender Flag White, Shade of Pale White, and Poltergeist White." "Gee, Gladys, they're all nice and they're very similar. Whichever one you pick will be all white with me!"
Mm. I'm torn between Surrender Flag White and Poltergeist White. I'm leaning Poltergeist White, but I would paint my kitchen a nice blue with a vintage-looking tile backsplash. Maybe a blue a little lighter than the sweater Brutus is wearing.

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