Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Out With the Old...


2024 suuuuucked. Hopefully yours was better. Mine wasn't. And it's not even ending well either. Because of this year, I didn't get around to writing as much as I wanted to. I also didn't read as much as I wanted to. But 2025 will be better for both. Hopefully they let me have books, a Kindle, and my writing stuff in the Trump Camps I will inevitably wind up in.

Here are what I consider my better posts from 2024 in no particular order. The first is Harry Anderson's Sideshow, a look at the 1987 NBC special featuring Night Court's Harry Anderson running a carnival sideshow with several carnival acts and numerous celebrities. Next, The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope features a full week of catching up after a break including a pretty decent classic strip. Going back to the beginning of the year, I began posting classic Born Loser strips starting with the very first one from May 1965, plus Brutus has already decided 2024 is going to suck. Good call, man.

In Diner Dilemma, Brutus is tired of his regular diner but does nothing about it and his life remains unchanged. And finally, in Mother Strange, adults eat some bugs and Mother Gargle is mad...Mean mad!

Feel free to peruse all 258 posts from 2024. Hell, feel free to scroll through all 4,357 posts going back to 2008. Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen. I wrote and posted all of them and I'm fine.

As always, please share posts you enjoy, follow me on social media, and if you would like support me or this site, you can buy me a cup of coffee on Ko-fi.

A man dressed as a Native American--I'm going with cultural appropriation and not this is an actual Native American--angrily attacks the 12 arrows he shot with his bow because he wasn't able to hit the target.
February 2, 1966
Yeah, it's the arrows' fault.

I don't know what damage he expects to exert on these arrows, but I feel most of the damage will happen to the bow, which is also not at fault.

This guy seems drunk.

Brutus is at Echo Glen, shouting into the abyss again. "Happy New Year!" he yells. "Happy New Year!" the echo replies. "Here's to prosperity and success in 2025!" "You're kidding, right?" the echo responds.
Brutus was back at Echo Glen Point back in 2023 for the new year. It was also the day the last Funky Winkerbean was published. Wait. Was losing Funky Winkerbean part of problem? God, I hope not.

I feel Brutus' 2025 will remain exactly the same as every other previous year. The worst things that will happen to him are bad food at the diner, Veeblefester threatening to fire him, and way too many visits from Mother Gargle. We should all be so lucky in 2025.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Get a Room You Two

At a post office, a lone postal worker is at a desk, surrounded by packages. He turns his head in surprise when he notices someone--or something--sawing through a box from the inside.
February 1, 1966
I don't think whatever is in that box is approved for shipment based on United States Postal Service guidelines. Even in 1966.

Brutus is standing with Veeblefester. "As another year together comes to an end, I really want to say I really appreciate you always being nearby," Brutus fawns, "...in case I am in need of your guidance. It feels like you've taken me under you wing." "Actually," Veeblefester begins "I think of it more as you being under my thumb."
This is same stuff Chip wrote in the card for his wedding anniversary...

By the way, I've never had a boss that I felt this way about. I wouldn't say they've all been terrible, but none of them provided me guidance. Although to be fair, I am a loner, Dottie. A rebel, and I'm not really mentee material.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Quarterback Quandary

Brutus, in a floral Hawaiian shirt, comes across a box that has been gift-wrapped. He enthusiastically tears it open and takes off the lid but finds nothing. He lifts the box up, holds it upside down and shakes it. He sticks his head in it. He puts the box down and looks around with his hand covering his mouth and chin inquisitively. "There's got to be a gag in here somewhere..." he says.
August 10, 1986
I like how weird these Born Loser strips are. Who left that box there? Who wrapped it? It could've been much worse. Brutus could've fallen into the box and disappeared, or a monster could've popped out and eaten him. Not a loser in this strip...

Brutus is sitting in that green chair and watching TV. Gladys comes up alongside him. "How's the game?" she asks. "We're about to win it!" Brutus replies. "Oh, no! The quarterback just lost the game for us! I can't believe he did that!" "Why's it all his fault?" Gladys asks. "Because we were down by one point, with the ball, on our opponents' one-yard line. There were twenty seconds left in the game, and the clock was running. Then our quarterback spiked the ball to stop the clock!" Brutus explains. "Wasn't that the right thing to do?" "Not when it was fourth down!" Brutus replies angrily.
I vaguely know the rules of football but it took a couple reads for me to realize "Oh! It was the fourth down. That's bad."

Brutus should know better to think his team is actually going to win.

I know the holidays are mostly over but can still read Christmas on Marrow-Bone Ridge where Danny Dugen and Genie Magoon attempt to give the citizens of Marrow-Bone Ridge a special Christmas. If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee on Ko-fi.

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Wilberforce and Brutus are standing in a room together. Brutus is holding a cup of coffee. "Mom says you bought the wrong kind of calendar. What's wrong with it?" Wilberforce asks. "Yeah. I bought a 2024 calendar instead of a 2025 one," Brutus answers. "What's the big deal? Aren't all of the months and the number of days the same?" Wilberforce asks.
I have to post today's comic first because Chip (or the syndicate) got my ass today! They edited the dates from 2019/2020 to 2024/2025. Although they should've changed the 2019 in yesterday's strip to 2024. You would think someone would've caught that.
The middle panel from 2019 with Brutus saying "Yeah, I bought a 2019 calendar instead of a 2020 one."
A 2020 calendar would've wound up worthless anyway since the calendar ended on December 31st and today is March 1765, 2020.

Two sailor men are standing on a dock at the Sea Breeze Yacht Club. One sailor man says to the other "You're the commodore here at Sea Breeze Yacht Club, Monroe...you tell them that they can't dock here!" the man points out toward the water to reveal Noah's Ark pulling into port. Various animals mentioned in the post and Noah himself can be seen on the deck.
January 31, 1966
Now, I'm not religious, but if I saw Noah's Ark complete with two of every animal approaching, I would probably start freaking out. I don't want to die in a flood!

What are those animals? Rabbits, mice, giraffes, and capybaras? Hippos?

Friday, December 27, 2024

Half Price Is Way Too Much for a 5-Year-Old Calendar

In prison, a man peers around a corner. "Okay, Harry. The coast is clear! Start digging!" Harry, I assume, starts digging, already in a hole up to his waist. "How you doing?" "Three more feet and we'll be under the wall," Harry replies. Suddenly, some black gold and Texas tea begins erupting from the hole. As Harry and the other prisoner run away, one of them says "What a disgusting time to strike oil!"
January 29, 1966
I feel constructing the prison would've already discovered oil. Clearly Harry damaged a pipe or something. Why the person who should be in that guard tower didn't see anything, I can't explain though.

Are they running away from the prison or running back to their cells?

Brutus stands in front of Gladys holding a calendar that has a dog on it. "I bought a new calendar for us. It was half price." "That's a 2019 calendar." "That's probably why it was such a good deal."
Hmm. Printing reruns from 2019 doesn't really work when the strip comments on what year it is. Buying a 2019 calendar when 2025 is less than a week away makes me worry about Brutus' cognitive abilities. Did he suffer some brain damage when at the mall returning gifts?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Mall Gall

Satan stands in Hell, lighting a cigar. "I enjoy a good cigar!" he tells the reader. He then yelps in pain. "Burned my finger..."
January 28, 1966
There you have it, folks. If you want to get on Satan's good side, give him a good cigar. I'm assuming you could also just set him on fire and rule Hell as your own.

I hope Satan does look like a normal man wearing a Halloween costume.

Brutus, Gladys, and Wilberforce are all in the car driving somewhere. Wilberforce is in the backseat. "Santa Claus makes all our presents, doesn't he, Pop?" Wilberforce asks. "That's right, my boy!" Brutus exclaims. "He and his elves make our presents in his shop at the North Pole." "Then why are we returning some of our gifts to the mall?"
Not every gift is from Santa, ya knob. Brutus and Gladys are clearly returning the gifts they got from Mother Gargle, the O'Hara's, and the hot chocolate mix set they got (that everyone at the company) got from Veeblefester.

Santa doesn't make the toys. At least, according to Christmas specials. I've never seen Santa do any work except on Christmas. Santa gets all the credit, the elves get the shaft.

"He and his elves--Mastercard and Visa--make our presents in his shop at the North Pole!"

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Creditmas

An explorer, seeming in a cave or something looking at hieroglyphics. "I mean it Gladstone. Creep up behind me once more and yell 'Boo! and I'll..." He looks behind him. "Gladstone?" We go to the other room where a sarcophagus is open and an pith helmet and pair of glasses lying on the ground. "Gladstone?"
January 27, 1966
So is there some sort of mummy that is now on the loose that's going to eat people? Or is the sarcophagus some sort of portal?

If Gladstone was eaten, I'm impressed by the lack of bones and blood.

Brutus is sitting in his stupid green chair with Gladys standing next to him and Wilberforce standing in front of him. "I got everything I wanted from Santa Claus," Wilberforce says. "How does he do it all?" "Let's just say," Brutus begins. "Thank goodness for Visa and Mastercard."
"Mastercard and Visa...but...but...the elves. What happened to the elves? Are those the names of the elves?"

Despite all their progress, Discover still can't get name-dropped in a comic strip or even be lumped together with the generic "credit cards".

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Night Before Crimmis

Two police officers are walking down the street. "You know what, Parker?" asks one of the officers. "If you say 'step on a crack and break your mother's break' one more time. I'll turn you in!"
January 26, 1966
I don't know how infrastructure was back in the 1960s but good luck not stepping on a crack while walking on a sidewalk these days.

I love when policemen argue like family and friends. Just kiss already.

I'd rather have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head for a dream than some of the ones I've been having. Hanging out in a laundromat? I haven't stepped foot in a laundromat since 2005.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Everybody Wants a Log

On a movie set, one actor lies dead, he is only shown from the waist down, while another actor in gladiator costume looks at the dead actor while holding a sword dripping with blood. "No! No! No! No! NO!" the director comes storming in. "You're not supposed to kill Lord Rodney, stupid! Somebody get me a new Lord Rodney! Show biz!" he mutters as he storms off.
January 25, 1966
I'm not a huge movie person, but did actors die on the set a lot back then? Is this why Russell Crowe wasn't in Gladiator 2? Did Paul Mescal kill him accidentally on set? Has anyone seen Russell Crowe in the last year or so?

Arnie and Brutus are sitting in a bar? Diner? They have cups of coffee(?) but there's a bowl of popcorn on the counter with them. "I hear they're selling artificial fireplace logs that have the scent of fried chicken. Would you ever try one?" Arnie asks. "To burn or to eat?" Brutus retorts.
Remember 2019? Before the world turned upside down? I had stopped doing Born Loser posts in May of that year but returned because 2020 happened and I was home a lot! So I never got to comment on this one or probably any of the others that we'll see this week. I am disappointed that we won't get an original Christmas strip this year though.

It's an artificial fireplace log, Brutus. It's not really going to burn.

Christmas On Marrow-Bone Ridge

Christmas on Marrow-Bone Ridge premiered December 3, 1962 and lasted for 18 installments. Distributed by Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA), the strip was written and drawn by Walt Scott who was the cartoonist for The Little People. The Little People, an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of small people surrounded by normal-sized things. The Little People was a Sunday only strip and lasted from 1952 until Scott's death in 1970. Scott also did work on Captain Easy and did numerous Christmas-themed strips for NEA.

Merry Christmas


Happy Holidays

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Did They Also Send a Newsletter About Their 2024?

Brutus is sitting in a bar sipping on a beer. Another man sitting on the other side introduces himself. "I'm an author. What's your line?" "Tea cozies. An author, eh? Novels?" "Indeed! I'm working on a delightfully folksie thing called Huckleberry Finn!" Brutus realizes what the man just said. "Ever hear of a man called Mark Twain?" "You know, it's strange you should say that...Folks asked me the same thing after I wrote Tom Sawyer."
July 27, 1986
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn entered the public domain in 1961(? I'm seeing conflicting dates and I don't care enough to investigate further) so if they are reimaginings, then they are fair game and kudos to nameless author here for getting his money. And if they are just word-for-word copies of the originals then that's really on the publisher, isn't it?

What I don't like is this guy writing Huckleberry Finn in the 1980s. Is he still using n-word Jim? That ain't cool.

Gladys comes into the room holding a Christmas card. Brutus and Wilberforce are sitting in front of the Christmas tree. "Guess what came in the mail?" she asks. "The Berwalds sent us a Christmas card!" "What's that?" asks Wilberforce. Gladys explains "It's a wonderful Christmas tradition that many people used to do back in the last century. Friends would mail cards to each other that had a holiday-themed picture on the front and inside they wrote Merry Christmas. Unfortunately a lot of people stopped sending them because it had become very costly and time consuming." "Do you understand?" Brutus asks. "I think so..." Wilberforce begins "Hey. Let's start our own tradition: We'll text all of our friends a picture of our tree and wish them a Merry Christmas!"
I find it hard to believe that Wilberforce doesn't know what a Christmas card is. I'm also a little upset at Gladys' use of "back in the last century". But the last century was 24 years ago. I've spent more years in the 21st Century than I did the 20th. Now I hate this strip even more.

The Berwalds get another mention.

In case you missed it, I have an expanded post on Joseph Bartleson and his family of Tecumseh, Kansas, with the lovely obituary for 11-year-old Sylvia Bartleston included. If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee on Ko-fi.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday Quickies

Two men, one tall and one short, stand waiting at a bus stop. The taller man then points at the sky and says "Bang!" The tall man walks away, the short man is confused. A dead bird suddenly falls to the ground in front of the short man.
January 24, 1966
He's a witch! BURN HIM!!

Let us hope that he never uses that finger on a person.

Why is an eight-year-old girl buying presents for a grown-ass man anyway?

Friday, December 20, 2024

Worker's Solstice

A nice house sits on the edge of a cliff that hangs over water. Someone from inside the house says "And we got it for a steal at $10,900!"
January 22, 1966
Did they not walk past the attached carriage house? How do you not know that your house is sitting just feet from the edge of a cliff? I mean, I know it's 1966 and you can't just pull up the Internet and look at a satellite view of the house but still...

I'll admit, I do enjoy watching videos of houses falling into the sea: Consequences for human's narcissism and hubris.

Brutus sits at his desk with a laptop and a pile of papers in his in box. "The nights are at their longest this time of year. And the days are at their shortest. But the work days are just as long as they are the rest of the year."
Work does suck. I don't like doing it. I'm at least on break for the next two weeks. It's a shame your average office drone doesn't get that luxury.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Coffee Monkey

A princess, tied up at the wrists, is being lead away by handsome, muscular, long blond-haired man. A knight on a noble steed stands behind her. She is looking at him saying "And for the last time, I'm not wanting to be rescued!"
January 21, 1966
I went back and forth on whether I would be subtle or raunchy with my commentary here and chose: I think I would also prefer being taken away and possibly wooed and railed by that guy and not the knight. Absolutely no offense to that horse, it's amazing, but good knights that you want to rescued by don't ride horses like that. I don't make the rules, they just don't.

Brutus sticks his head into an office where a blonde-haired woman sits behind a desk. "I'm running over to the coffee shop across the street to make a pickup for our conference. Can I get a coffee for you, Ms. Preen?" "No, thanks," Ms. Preen answers. "Coffee isn't my cup of tea."
I guess Brutus is asking if Ms. Preen wants coffee because she might be in the conference and he's just being nice. He and Ms. Preen never interact outside of this setting so that's the only thing that makes sense. Unless it's something else. What's your game, Brutus?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Take Two of These and Don't Call Here Anymore

A man with a ladder and saw looks at a tree. He places the ladder against the tree and begins climbing. As he begins sawing off one of the tree limbs "FE-FI-FO-FUM!!" emanates above him.
January 20, 1966
Wait. That's not a beanstalk. I would just keep sawing that branch off and then just leave that tree alone. I don't need any of the problems that are located at the top of that tree.

One problem I always had with Jack and the Beanstalk is how coincidental it was that the beanstalk grew right where there was a castle in the sky. What are the odds. Are there numerous castles in the sky in this universe?

Brutus is sitting in an exam room with a doctor. Brutus is sitting very awkwardly, manspreading and sitting in a chair that's way too low to the ground. "Have you had any health issues since your last exam, Brutus?" the doctor asks. "My memory seems to get worse every year. Should I be concerned, Doc?" Brutus asks, looking very worried. "Nah. Just forget about it!" the doctor says, smiling, like the health of his patients is a freaking joke to him. Brutus is unamused.
I'm glad the doctor is taking this seriously. That's what I want to spend this $30 copay on.

I have a laundry list of things to talk about with my doctor when I see her since I am a person of a certain age. I'm sure it'll be great.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Gift of the Magi

A doctor goes up to another doctor and whispers something into his ear. The doctor looks down at his patient with an exclamation point. "Don't punish yourself this way, Doctor. Anyone can make a mistake. Appendectomy does sound an awful lot like tonsillectomy," the one doctor says to the other doctor now crying in the corner.
January 19, 1966
At least you took out another useless organ and weren't performing open heart surgery. That would be terrible.

The appendectomy is going to be comped, right? I don't feel insurance would cover it since it's a mistake.

Gladys and Mother Gargle are sitting at a table with two cups of coffee. "I know his heart is in the right place, but whenever Brutus buys me clothes as a gift, the size is too small!" Gladys says. "There's a simple solution to that...Just tell him to buy you a gift card," Mother Gargle suggests. "I tried that. He buys gift cards in too small a size as well, if you catch my drift."
Why is Brutus just getting Gladys clothes? I'm not knocking a nice pair of pants or whatever, but where's the imagination? I absolutely suck at buying gifts, but I can be somewhat thoughtful.