Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Really Warms the Heart

Three people are sitting in a patent office, two men and a woman. A man comes out of the office saying "Next!"  The man closest to the door turns to the lady next to him and says "You've been so patient, young lady. Why don't you go ahead of me?" The lady turns to him "rrrr...Thank you. You are a nice man...click." As she stands up and walks into the patent office we see that she has a wind-up key installed in her back.
January 4, 1966
It's a patent office, not an episode of Shark Tank where this idea is so good, they may not pay attention to yours. Patent offices consider everyone's bad ideas.

The other guy sitting there has definitely killed someone. It's very likely his invention could be an easier way to slice off human skin, right?

🎵Ringle, ringle, coins when they mingle
Make such a lovely sound.🎶
Oo guineas and tuppance and tuppance and bobs
Make my ears tingle and keep my heart throbbing

🎶Humbug, it's humbug, it's giving to charity.
Orphans are pesky and Christmas a parody.

Ringle, ringle, coins when they mingle
Make such a lovely sound.🎵