Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday Echo

Two hunters are being danced around by two giant moose. Their guns lay on the ground outside of their reach. One hunter angrily says "You'll never bag a moose without a mating horn, you said!"
January 14, 1966
Well, these guys are going to undergo some trauma. Don't get me wrong, I feel like these cartoon moose with their little mating dance would be kind and generous lovers, but real moose would probably just entice you, mount you, trample or crush you, and still try to shove it in.

Brutus is standing dangerously close to the edge of Echo Point. Brutus shouts into the void "Hello!" and the echo responds with "Hello!" Brutus then shouts "Brutus Thornapple is the greatest!" which the echo does not repeat, much to Brutus' consternation.
Maybe a moose will mate Brutus right off the edge of Echo Point. Which would definitely make the news because Ohio does not have moose.