Thursday, December 19, 2024

Coffee Monkey

A princess, tied up at the wrists, is being lead away by handsome, muscular, long blond-haired man. A knight on a noble steed stands behind her. She is looking at him saying "And for the last time, I'm not wanting to be rescued!"
January 21, 1966
I went back and forth on whether I would be subtle or raunchy with my commentary here and chose: I think I would also prefer being taken away and possibly wooed and railed by that guy and not the knight. Absolutely no offense to that horse, it's amazing, but good knights that you want to rescued by don't ride horses like that. I don't make the rules, they just don't.

Brutus sticks his head into an office where a blonde-haired woman sits behind a desk. "I'm running over to the coffee shop across the street to make a pickup for our conference. Can I get a coffee for you, Ms. Preen?" "No, thanks," Ms. Preen answers. "Coffee isn't my cup of tea."
I guess Brutus is asking if Ms. Preen wants coffee because she might be in the conference and he's just being nice. He and Ms. Preen never interact outside of this setting so that's the only thing that makes sense. Unless it's something else. What's your game, Brutus?