Is there anyone else kind of disturbed by the mention of the cat possibly eating the dead cartoonist?
Joke #1: A sovreign state populated by inbred hicks that all look like Herman? Maybe we do need The Wall.
Joke #2: I don't think
Russia will like that.

I am so disturbed by Meredith's look in the next to last panel. Somehow I think Meredith has been able to get Robin to remove his clothes before. I'm kind of sorry that we won't be able to see Meredith grow up into a sluttier version of April.

Just a review of the last week. Serial comics on a Sunday are just teh s uck.

Really Brutus? How could you think that? That's just stupid. Using checks leaves a paper trail so all bribery and electoral fixing will be done using cash that will then be laundered.
Checks and cash. Idiot.