I recently finished listening to Bram Stoker's
Dracula at work and it brought back memories of an old computer game I used to have. To put into context how old this game was, it ran on DOS. The game followed the book pretty good as you (or a group of people) controlled the main characters of Jonathan and Mina Harker, Dr. Seward, Professor Van Helsing, Arthur and Quincy. Everyday the team reads the newspaper to find evidence of the Count's presence and then you can go to the various houses the Count has placed the boxes of native dirt in (Carfax, Piccadilly).
The game actually does get suspenseful as Renfield or the Count can show up at anytime and each character can only move five times before the next player starts their move. I really the graphics as they are simple but you can tell what's going on in the scene.

As for weapons, each character can only carry two except for Mina who can only carry one (I usually gave her the garlic) so to a point she's the most worthless character but she's the one the Count is constantly attacking. I find it kind of odd that Renfield is represented by a huge white smiling head but I guess they needed something to represent him.

Looking back I think this was my favorite computer game and I played it a lot. I only got a happy ending a few times. A happy ending happens when you defeat the Count and everyone survives. Most everyone winds up happily married. Dr. Seward's weird because if you don't cure Renfield then Seward ends up being a workaholic and doesn't live happily ever after. I hate when Renfield dies because that usually marks that the game is about the end. One time, Renfield died within the first week of the game I was playing and the Count escaped. Man, I was pissed.

I went searching online to try to find a copy of it I could download that would work on Windows or something but the only version I found actually needed DOS. I also don't want to pay for it because it's not something I absolutely need. I just want to hold onto my childhood for as long as possible.