Friday, January 31, 2025

And It's the First Part of a Trilogy

A man with a bow and quiver runs away screaming from a man with a gun who he must've accidentally shot in the butt with an arrow.
March 5, 1966
I guess the archer (dressed as Temu Robin Hood) shot the hunter in the butt with one of his arrows. Why is that tree so prominent? Was the hunter dressed as a tree? I wonder if the joke worked better when originally printed and not now nearly 60 years older and copied and scanned to be posted online.

Brutus and Gladys are sitting down and watching TV. Brutus is sitting, you know where. "I read the listing for this movie and I don't want to watch it now," Brutus says. "Why? What's it about?" Gladys asks. "About three hours and I don't want to stay up that late."
Same, really, but most movies are nearly three hours, it seems.

With some exceptions, if you can't tell a story within 100 minutes then you have no business making a movie. I'm gonna go crawl back into my old man cave now muttering about the music the kids these days listen to.