Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Another Late Post

A group of people are standing at a bus stop--two men and a woman. All of them are carrying open umbrellas. Another man is also standing there with his head closed up in the umbrella. "It's Thornapple," one man whispers to another. "Worst inferiority complex I've ever seen."
February 17, 1966
Is it even raining, or are they just all standing around with their umbrellas open?

I love how Art includes at least one woman in the bus stop crowd. It's 1966 after all. Women's equality and being in the workplace and all that claptrap.

Brutus is sitting in his old diner, the waitress enthusiastically coming over to wait on him. "I haven't seen you in a few weeks. How's your new year going?" "Great! It's been an opportunity to have a fresh start and shake things up!" "Good for you. What'll you have?" Brutus responds with "The usual."
Brutus hasn't been at the diner since early December. Brutus has a chance to dramatically change his life and he botches it. Maybe in 2025, he can at least stay away from ordering fish from this place.