Saturday, January 04, 2025

🎵I'm Free from Your Spell🎶Oh, Free, Free, Free Now, Baby🎵

Two kids haughtily walk by Stacey's Lemonade, a psychiatrist booth-like stand run by a kid named Stacey. It is dark and snowy and Stacey's lemonade has been reduced from 5 cents to 4 to 3 and now to 2 cents. Stacey is yelling at the two kids "Fickle, fickle, ugly as a pickle...just let business fall off a little and PFFFT!!"
February 7, 1966
I appreciate this kid's entrepreneurship. Most people I know drink iced coffee in the winter so cold lemonade in the winter is nothing surprising. We drink lots of cold stuff in the winter. I don't know why that one girl is acting so snooty, but we'll show her. We'll show her *slowly shakes fists*

I looked up that "fickle, fickle" thing at the beginning. I found nothing. I guess Art came up with it himself.

Brutus and Gladys are sitting at the table drinking some hot coffee. "I love Mother's visits, but I have to admit I enjoy the quiet when she is gone," Gladys says. "That's an understatement..." Brutus begins. "She's..." but he's interrupted by Gladys. "Now, Brutus..." "I'm just saying, paraphrasing B.B. King, 'The Shrill Is Gone'."
Mother Gargle sucks. I know it. Brutus knows it. You even know it! Let her stay in Erie where she belongs.

Watch we'll see Mother Gargle again within the next two weeks. You are never truly free from Mother Gargle.