Sunday, January 26, 2025

White People

Brutus walks up to Veeblefester, who is standing next to the watercooler. "You look worried..." he says. "Something bothering you?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Veeblefester sighs. "Try me." "No." "Hey, maybe I can help." "Oh, very well. That raise you've pestered me for...It's yours!" "I don't believe it!" Brutus exclaims excitedly." Veeblefester takes a drink of water. "I wouldn't either..."
September 14, 1986
Is the same raise Brutus was kicking his telephone over last week? Is Veeblefester standing next to the water cooler like a commoner? That I don't believe.

Brutus walks up to Gladys in the kitchen. "What are you up to, Gladys?" "Remember when I said I wanted to paint the kitchen white? Well, I decided to pick out some paint chips to select the perfect shade of white, so I can get started. I'd like you to weigh in with your preferences of these paint samples," Gladys holds up paint chips that are all basically the same shade of white. "Here's Ahab's Whale White, Surrender Flag White, Shade of Pale White, and Poltergeist White." "Gee, Gladys, they're all nice and they're very similar. Whichever one you pick will be all white with me!"
Mm. I'm torn between Surrender Flag White and Poltergeist White. I'm leaning Poltergeist White, but I would paint my kitchen a nice blue with a vintage-looking tile backsplash. Maybe a blue a little lighter than the sweater Brutus is wearing.

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