Sunday, January 19, 2025

Just Order What You Want

Brutus is in the background on the telephone while Gladys walks by with a stack of books. Gladys then joins him and he begins kicking the telephone stand , jumping around and almost having a tantrum like a child. He collapses in a chair. "Well, don't keep me in suspense," Gladys says. "Did you get the raise or not?"
September 7, 1986
Brutus is acting like several people I see online talking about TikTok over the last twelve hours.

Calling over the phone to ask for a raise seems weird. I mean, having to ask for a raise has always been weird to me. You shouldn't have to ask for one, you just get one. If I asked for a raise at any of my jobs, they would've just laughed at me and talked to me about "modest, scheduled raises" every year or whatever.

Brutus and Gladys are at a fancy restaurant. The waiter stands next to the table. "The chef has a special this evening not on the menu. Beef wellington. Only fifty dollars. If you have made your selection, may I take your orders?" "After you, my dear," Brutus invites. "I'll have whatever my husband is having," Gladys answers. "Very well. And what will you have, sir?" "I'll have the spaghet..." but Gladys interrupts. "He'll have the beef wellington. And I'll have what he's having!"
Why can't Brutus have the spaghetti? Why can't she just order the beef wellington? If the beef wellington is $50 and on special, how much is this spaghetti?

Beef wellington is just a fancy corn dog.

Don't forget to check out the first month of Art Samson and Russ Winterbotham's Chris Welkin, Planeteer that posted yesterday. If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.