Thursday, January 26, 2017

Those Photos Are Just Drawn On There

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith
Well, lookee here. It's singer-songwriter and Nancy cartoonist Guy Gilchrist in today's Barney Google. Guy and Brad Gilchrist took over Nancy back in 1995 then Brad mysteriously vanished. Did Guy do something to Brad or was Brad just a made-up person used by Guy to get two paychecks?*

Mary Worth
No, it's totally a great idea. I love getting matching tattoos with people I've just barely

Family Circus
"And I'm telling you, Jeffy, I am getting damn tired of saying that extra syllable."

Mark Trail
Here's hoping that Mark Trail will still provide us with the wildlife scenes, conservation guilt-trips, and zoological science that we're going to need in the upcoming four years.

I wish this trope would die. I wish this trope would die. I wish this trope would die. I wish this trope would die.

*Don't worry. I'm well aware that Brad Gilchrist is alive, well, and in existence.