I'm a huge fan of technology and I jumped on the MySpace wagon, Facebook, IM'ing but I don't know understand Twitter. Well, I understand it but I think it's stupid. Who really wants to know what you are doing every other minute of everyday? I haven't updated my Twitter status in over a month (@tauycreek if anyone cares). I find Twitter stupid and the Ashton Kutcher vs. CNN thing awhile ago made me mad. Ashton's kind of a douche just so you all know. And CNN goes around raping people's wives.
I've thought about changing up my MySpace and make it more based on Tauy Creek, Watch This and Point of Beginning but I'm not really sure I want to start all that editing and then not like it and have to revert it back. Since I started using the Internet regularly, I've been looking for a place where I could have my own website for really cheap. My first was The Corner of 16th & Massachusetts, a site on Yahoo! GeoCities which has recently shut down. I only kept that for a couple months before using MySpace for everything until trying to start up a Blogger blog (I had an original Watch This Space at watchthisspace-87.blogspot.com and I numbered each entry but I finally brought it to an end after #39 when I realized I wanted to do Losers Are Made, Not Born. In fact, I think #38 was a prelude to LAMNB by featuring the strip being made fun of but with the last panel cut off (lousy formatting).
I wonder how many would stick around if MySpace starting charging for their services?
Until next time, I remain...