Sunday, February 02, 2025

Using "January First" Instead of "January 1st" Almost Broke Me

Mother Gargle is sitting down and watching TV. Seriously, it takes three panels just showing her watching TV. She finally says "Smut, smut, smut. Why do people insist on watching this drivel?" and she goes back to watching TV.
September 21, 1986
Well, to be fair, it's 1986 and smut and drivel are the only things on TV. I don't have the heart to tell Mother Gargle what's going to be premiering in 6 months, but the Thornapples probably don't get FOX yet anyway.

Brutus and Arnie are walking down the sidewalk with a good couple of feet of snow on the ground. "It sure is cold out today," Brutus says. "Mm-hmm," Arnie answers. "Want to stop by my place for a nice hot chocolate?" "Sure, but I'll have a hot tea instead," Brutus replies. "A hot tea?" "Yeah, I just started my New Year's resolution diet." "You just made your New Year's resolution now? Shouldn't you have made it at the start of the new year?" Arnie asks. "I made it January 1st, but I keep breaking it and have to re-resolve it."
If you just casually glance at today's comic, it kind of looks like Brutus and Arnie are holding hands and I think that's neat.

Would hot chocolate really hurt his diet that much?

And why did Brutus and Arnie switch places in between the last panels?

We took a look at Action Comics #579 by Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficer, Keith Giffen, and Bob Oskner and definitely not guest-starring characters from Asterix. If you would like to support me or this website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.