I blame Alan Jackson and Toby Keith. Remember when country songs were actually universal and everybody could see a little bit of themselves in them. Now, all country songs are marketed to rural/Bible Belt areas, all of who want to have sex with Lady Liberty (and don't realize she is French). But maybe I am being too harsh. Let's look at some lyrics from "Where I Come From" by Alan Jackson.
I was chasin' sun on 101I wrote better poetry than this. And I can't write poetry to save my life! He mushes up the words 'finger' and 'dinner' to force them to rhyme and commits an unforgivable act by attempting to rhyme 'Ventura' and 'soprano'. Sigh. Let's move on...
somewhere around Ventura
I lost a universal joint and I had to use my finger
This tall lady stopped and asked
If I had plans for dinner
Said no thanks ma'am, back home
we like the girls that sing soprano
Here's a bit of history for you. The 'buck' in "The buck stops here" does not refer to money but to "passing the buck", as in blaming someone else for your own actions. But I understand Veeblefester's comment about the economy but you have to wonder if a corporation based solely on the manufacturing of tea cozies is viable in this day and age.