I've been trying to get some writing done over the summer while I am off from work and while it seems I have really upped my game on what I write online, my short stories, novellas and novels have not fared well. I'm trying to fix that but in the meantime, I have a story that need beta writers. It is tentatively titled Riley & Tyler and is about two juniors in high school who start dating. What makes this slightly different from a typical YA story is Riley is transgender. There is also a B-plot focusing on Riley's sister and her relationship. It's still a work in progress but I need to know what works, what doesn't and when I need to keep my white cis straight male privilege in line. Below is a link to Riley & Tyler to read and a link to a short questionnaire that you can fill out to give me feedback.
Thank you for participation.
Riley & Tyler (46 pgs/10,818 words)
Questionnaire Form (10 questions)
I'd be careful angering the cook, Brutus. This is a man who looks like he's been to prison a couple times. Not for assault or murder or anything but something with drugs. Possibly writing bad checks.