Saturday, April 01, 2017

Classic Magic #4

The shovel went into the ground and the man lifted a small pile of dirt. Stars and the moon lit up the night sky and illuminated the cemetery. A nearby gravestone read Sacred to the memory of Theodosia Wolf, Born January 14, 1857, Died August 13, 1880. The epitaph read: She appreciated every moment because she knew she might never experience it again. Her husband, Cornelius, had been without her for just over a week. He wanted her back and he had the power to do it.

Cornelius brought Theodosia to their farmhouse. He had bought it only a few days before she died thinking the fresh air and country life would extend her life. She never got to step foot on it or even see it. Cornelius placed her on the bed and lit the candles in the room.

Cornelius began waving his hand and concentrating on Theodosia being alive. The spell was controversial. It had been centuries since it was last used. The dangers were passed down from generation to generation because it always came up when someone beloved passed away. What actually happened to the bodies was unknown because it had been so long since someone last used this spell. At least openly.

For nearly two minutes, Cornelius cast the spell. The color began to come back to Theodosia and then her eyes opened and she gasped loudly as air went back into her lungs.

"My love," Cornelius exclaimed. "It worked. You're back."

Theodosia was still breathing heavily. She was shaking with fright and her eyes filled with tears. She blinked and they rolled down her cheek. "Where was I?"

"You died, sweetheart," Cornelius tried to calm her down. "Your illness took you from me."

"So you brought me back?" she asked. "You can bring back the dead?"

"We are not supposed to, but yes. I couldn't bear to live without you," Cornelius hugged Theodosia.

"I was at peace terror before I awoke."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean you any harm. Forgive me," Cornelius kissed his wife. Her lips with cold and clay-like. "I have brought you back. What would you like to do first with this new life I have given you?"

"I wish to sleep," Theodosia said, quietly.

"But you just woke up. You've been asleep for seven days," Cornelius was confused and scared.

"Let me sleep, dear," she said softly.

Cornelius paused for a bit then nodded. "Whatever you wish, my love. I will check on you in a couple of hours. All right?"

"Yes, that will be fine, Cornelius. I will see you in a couple of hours." Theodosia laid back down in the bed and rolled over away from Cornelius. He stood up and began walking away from the bed.

He stopped at the door and looked back at Theodosia. "I love you, Theodosia," he said. She didn't respond. He didn't know if she was asleep, didn't hear him, or was ignoring him. Cornelius went to his reading stand, lit the candle attached to it, and began reading. He read for the two hours that Theodosia was asleep then got up to wake her up.

When he stepped into the room, she was standing at the window looking out into the darkness. He didn't think she heard him walk in but she suddenly began talking. "I loved being outside with nature. I don't feel that way anymore. I don't think that I ever want to leave this room," her voice was nearly monotone. "Just cover these windows and stay here. In the darkness."

"You don't mean that. You've just been through something terrible. You'll come out of this," Cornelius said, almost begging. "Please, Theodosia, sit down with me on the bed."

She did and they held each other's hands. Hers were slightly cold and they didn't feel quite right. He couldn't quite place it. "I want to go back," she said.

"Go back? Go back home? Or go back...?"

Something was missing from Theodosia. From what he remembered, people brought back to life were half of what they used to be. They had no personality. No souls, according to one recording. They had the gift of life back but only wanted death again. She would never be the same, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself. Cornelius decided that he must lose his love for a second time.

"I will run to the pharmacy," he told her. "I will get you something that will put you back to sleep. I am sorry that I did this. I hope you can forgive me."

"You did what you thought was best. Please, go. I'll just wait here for your return."

Cornelius went as quickly as he could on his horse into town and to the residence of the local pharmacist. He pounded on the door and the pharmacist answered quickly and angrily. "Please, my wife needs some morphine or opium. She is in deathly pain."

"This can't wait until morning?" the pharmacist grumbled.

"Please, I have my horse. I'll pay you whatever you want. Just help my wife."

"Fine, fine. Let me at least get my boots on."

Cornelius went back home and rushed into the bedroom. "Here, I bought you some..." he stopped in his tracks and saw Theodosia hanging from the rafters in the bedroom. Her face, once again, at peace. He carefully helped her down and went to lay her on the bed. He noticed a piece of paper on the pillow. He laid her down and picked up the paper.

It was a note: Cornelius, I didn't want you to have to watch me die again. I love you. Theodosia.