Welcome to the second installment of the new Losers Are Made, Not Born. With the absence of The Point of Beginning, LAMNB will become the new home to rambling acts of randomness so stories that make it into Liberty or random comics, reviews and other stuff will be placed here alongside your favorite Born Loser commentary. Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think and please tell your friends about this blog.
Bank of America announced yesterday that it was not going to add on the $5 fee that caused such a backlash over the last couple of months. Because of the backlash several other banks including J.P. Morgan and Wells Fargo have decided to not tack on any additional fees as well. Several customers even decided to move from their bank to a credit union. I've seen numerous people boast about the advantages of being in a credit union and that's fine. In your mind, this is your way of protesting the big banks and even though Bank of America is not going through with the fee at this time, what's to stop them from charging the fee next Spring, the only difference may be that they don't tell anyone and just do it. Which is what I would've done anyway.
I applaud Wastrel for not using the money Brutus and Veeblefester give him to buy booze like so many other homeless people. Although I guess Wastrel could've stolen that leaf blower from Brutus' neighbor Al before coming over to the Thornapples.