Tomb bricks, used during the Han period of Ancient China to bring pleasure and protection to the tomb occupants. These date back to the Western Han Dynasty which lasted from 206 B.C. - 9 B.C. |
While it was all good, the part that struck me was the Eugene Richards exhibit. A social activist who uses photography to bring to light the struggles and humanity of people forgotten by the system, Richards creates a powerful image in his photos. This exhibit alone was worth the trip. The photos were rough and haunting and I won't soon forget them.
For more about our excursion into Kansas City and the museum tour, check out the Tauy Creek Facebook Page and Instagram. Thanks to all the readers. Don't forget Patreon and Ko-Fi over in the sidebar if you wish to support my writing and research.
If Brutus is so bad at his job then why does he still have it? This also reinforces that Brutus is just a salesperson. But if he's just a salesperson then why does he seem to be one of the most important people at Veeblefester Incorporated? Maybe it's a "Dwight from The Office" situation. In The Office, Dwight was labeled "Assistant to the Regional Manager", a made-up position that he took to mean "Assistant Regional Manager." Maybe that's what they did with Brutus--he's "Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer."