New York has become the sixth state, after Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire and Vermont to legalize same-sex marriage so I only have possibly a couple more years with my wife until those homos somehow find a way to destroy our marriage. But I kid. Anyone who actually thinks same-sex marriage is detrimental to their own marriage clearly has more problems than the gays. I remember back in 2004 when Kansas was up to change the state constitution to legalize same-sex marriage. The wording on the ballot was confusing, the Republicans scared the old people into thinking married gay people were going to break their doors down and nobody on the Democratic side of the aisle stood up for it. In the end only 1 county, out of 105, voted for same-sex marriage. Douglas County. Or, possibly more appropriately, Lawrence because Eudora, Lecompton and Baldwin City are certainly not liberal.
I am proud of the Senators and Representatives of New York for getting this passed. I am proud of Governor Cuomo for signing the bill into law and not waiting for today or Monday but doing it last night after the Senate approved it. I feel this is a big step for getting same-sex marriages legalized in other states. When people finally realize that nothing bad happens when gay people are married, more states will follow--especially more liberal states. I do think the gay marriage vote will show up on another Kansas ballot but not until at least 2015 (unless legalizing same-sex marriage becomes the "good" political thing to do).
Besides, how does making same-sex marriage illegal not interfere with some people's chance at "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
Someday I feel like I am going to have to add 'jelly donut' to the list of labels because there have been quite a few jelly donuts shown in the comic. All in relation to Gladys starting, and ending, a diet.