I've been going through some stuff over the last few weeks. Due to that stuff and the stress it has caused, I haven't been able to write very much. Even the editing on my book has diminished. Besides work, personal stuff, and writing, I am also burned out on social media. Given this, I know when I'm beat. I'll be taking the next week or so off to finish editing Vagabond Girl and get other stories planned. I will also be offline for much of the next week to recharge my brain. I'm hoping to come back refreshed and ready for more The Born Loser and history-focused Instagram posts.
If you would like to support my writing, research, or website, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi.
January 31, 1974 |
Or not. Is it just me or does it seem like this diner is more competent than the diner that's shown in modern strips? I guess it was just a different time...