If you take a drive to Lecompton, chances are you will see many signs in and out of town that look like this:
In 2011, the United States Postal Service transferred the two rural Lecompton postal carriers from Lecompton to Perry, across the river. That fueled fears that it was only a matter of time before the USPS closed the Lecompton post office for good.
A post office is one of three things that keep a town in existence. A post office may be the one business that remains opens long after all the other businesses have closed. The post office targeted 134 Kansas post offices that could close in 2011, Lecompton wasn't on the list but other towns such as Powhattan (Brown Co.), White Cloud (Doniphan Co.), Rantoul (Franklin Co.), Wakarusa (Shawnee Co.) and Muscotah (Atchison Co.) were on the list. I have been unable to find whether or not any of the 134 post offices have been closed but all representatives were adamantly against the closing of any of them. If you are near any of the post offices that were on the list to close, stop in and buy some stamps. In the meantime, read this post from the Kansas Sampler about their visit to each post office on the chopping block along Kansas Highway 99.