In the shadow of a power plant, a high school reunion disrupts the lives of three friends. Returning to Framingham, Stephen, Shawn, and Brian reunite and upend their lives when reunited with Vanesss, Brian's ex Alison, and Stephen's ex, Nicole. From
Liberty #1,
The Kings of Framingham. Contains sexual situations.
September 17, 1965 |
I used to think I was "with it" and I mean "with it" as in I understand quite a lot of things from the silent and boomer generation. I watched a lot of old TV and read a lot of old pop culture books. But I had to look up
martinet (strict disciplinarian) because who says "Mr. Burke is a real martinet" anymore?
I'm assuming those guys' suits are supposed to be a solid color but the scan makes them look like a terrible patterned monstrosity.
Maybe Brutus should've stayed at work
on Monday.
Weird coloring in this strip. The briefcase is the same color as the door. The wall color is leaking into the speech bubbles. And Gladys' pink sweater is just eyuck, although that's not really the colorists' fault.