Wilberforce: "Father, wouldst thou like some soup?"
Brutus: "What?"
Wilberforce: "I'm making some soup for you, Papa. Please come sit at the table."
Brutus: "What the hell is going on?"
*Brutus sits down at table. Wilberforce brings in soup.*
Wilberforce: "Here you go, Daddy. Your soup. Take caution, it's still hot."
Brutus: "Are you having a stroke?"
*looks down at soup*
Brutus: "Okay, Mr. Smarty-Pants..."
Is it me or is Gladys becoming more of a nag? What's going on in Chip's home life that is causing this? Also, since Brutus is the only one in the house that actually does any work, I don't think Gladys is really in the best position to complain.