Saturday, October 09, 2010


I came to like The Beatles late in life.  In fact, it wasn't until I was in my twenties when I actually took the time to listen to them.  I'm sure people think that is blasphemous but that's the way it is.  Also blasphemous:  I don't like the song "Boys of Summer".

After actually listening to The Beatles, one has to wonder how anyone could not like their music.  There has to be people out there who do not like their music but who really wants to know those people?  I imagine they don't like The Beatles for the same reason I am not a fan of Nirvana (!).  They probably wonder if the band was still pumping out music long after their prime would anyone still care?  If Nirvana was still touring in 2007 celebrating their 20th year, would anyone still care about them?  A Beatles 40th Anniversary tour in 2000?  While we today would think that would be awesome, if they were pumping out album after every two to five wouldn't be a good and that is why the music of The Beatles has stood up so well.  There is only so much of it.  And we'll never get more.

Anyway, John Lennon would've turned 70 today if he were still alive.  Many of you have probably seen Google's tribute to him with their Google Doodle.  I was amazed that none of the editorial cartoonists did a tribute to him.  Apparently it was more important to focus on rednecks yelling about how amazing Republicans are and how President Obama is driving this country into the ground.  Sigh.....