Saturday, August 17, 2024

Surprise Party

Classic Born Loser daily strips will return in September. There will still be Sunday ones continuing. I just need to download the strips for January and February of 1966. In the meantime, I'm going to try to do some new things. I have a couple new stories, a new Captain Kid, a few other Golden Age-era comics, and maybe some history to post. Today, is Trader Tom who is a really good salesman and doesn't enforce a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policy.

I am insulted by the stereotypical caricature, but I am impressed that he's not speaking in a racist dialect.

Does...Does Brutus not know how old his favorite uncle, who he spends a very disproportionate amount of time with, is?

They probably threw this party because they were all worried either they or Uncle Ted would be dead by 2026. Not because of old age but because...*gestures around*