Friday, August 09, 2024

Finally Friday

December 23, 1965
We're coming into Christmas 1965 and thus the end of 1965 of the Born Loser. That also means we are about to close out 1965. There's been some good ones, a few bad ones. Most have been alright. I bet the ones that are bad are just because I/we don't understand the reference.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have money, but getting a turkey is pretty cool, too. I don't know the cost of turkey back in 1965 but I got a turkey from my job a few years ago and I appreciated it. Turkeys don't grow on trees, you know.

Why does everyone look cartoony and dumb, but there's one guy drawn realistically? I mean, what the hell is this?

August 8, 2024
"Infuse my water with coffee, daddy!" Sorry. I apologize for that. "Infuse my water with coffee", you mean make coffee?! Actually, you can buy something where that happens. It's how you make cold brew.

Brutus works hard all week. Well, he works all week. A working man can have a nap if he wants. Look, he can either nap Friday evenings or go visit whores. It's one or the other, take your pick.