I don't have anything for today. Herstory, while a perfectly fine informal word we can use in articles and whatnot, is not a word. I'm also disappointed Ms. Teacher-Lady waited until the 19th to mention Women's History Month.
Stop AAPI Hate! As we've seen from the news over the last year, violent attacks on Asian American and Pacific Islanders have increased. This culminated earlier this week in a mass shooting that killed 8 people. If you witness or are victim of AAPI violence, please notify authorities and Stand Against Hatred from the Asian American Justice Center.
Also, across the country, kids who are trans are being attacked by state legislatures by banning them from playing sports for the gender they identify with. If you live in one those many states, contact your state representative or state senator or even the governor and let them know these bills harm trans kids by inflicting unneeded negative attention on them and encourages bullying.