Thursday, December 31, 2020


The clock says 9 so either it is 5 in the freaking morning or it's 5 in the evening and Brutus went the entire day not noticing the clock was wrong. Either way, it's terrible. Does Chip and his wife actually toot horns, bang pots, and yell out of the window at midnight on New Year's Day? If so, their neighbors must love them.

I will be taking a hiatus from this website for awhile. I need to get hard at work on my book and the various other things I'm writing since 2020 was so lax in what I was writing. I will still be active with my writing and research on the Tauy Creek Facebook Page and on my Twitter. Thanks for reading over the last couple of months and I hope you will follow me on social media if you don't already. If you would like to support what I do, you can buy me a cup of coffee over on Ko-fi