I am starting to get things ready for the debut of the new Watch This Space. It still won't happen for a couple more months I believe but I at least know what is going to be featured. What I want to do is get a backlog of everything before I hit publish on anything that way I can take my time on posts, knowing that the queue still has posts in it. So what's in store? Take a look...
A bi-weekly post of just random things. This section will focus mainly on pop culture but may also include ramblings about life and the world. This is the same Whiz Bang started earlier this year. The name comes from Fawcett Publications Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang which was a bawdy cartoon and joke magazine in the 1920s and 1930s.
A monthly post detailing comics of all shapes and sizes from comic strips, comic books and more both well-known and obscure. If you would like to help with this section, please consider donating something from my wishlist or submitting your own post.
A monthly Story Series starring a police officer on the planet Mosaic, a planet where intergalactic species that are endangered are housed and protected. Ganthent is tasked with helping his new human neighbors feel at home while also trying to solve a slew of murders and an ever-growing feeling that his captain is hiding something.
A post of all things Kansas--history, pictures, and facts. I understand that this may only be interesting to a small group of people but I will strive to make the posts geared toward all readers. These will be posted on Sundays when they do post so you will be able to ignore them if you want.
A monthly anthology Story Series featuring three short stories. The series will start out with Ad Astra, a superhero with a star rod that grants him flight and invincibility; Lady Silk, a hero who takes on the crime in her city after her husband is murdered; The Lasso, a western hero who uses his fantastic lasso ability to stop crime in the Old West. You may recognize the Adventure logo from the pulp magazine of the same name as published by the founder of DC Comics, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson.
Off-site titles will be Liberty, the monthly anthology Story Series featuring one story per month, and The Point of Beginning, which features just random things I like and see. If you would like to contribute, I am looking for people to contribute their own weekly, bi-weekly or monthly series. I am looking for unique text posts, stories and webcomics. If you're interested, email me at tauycreek [at] gmail dot com.